Several months ago I posted a story (See story here) about a friend in college. I witnessed to him, prayed for him, and saw God work several miracles in an attempt to bring my friend closer to Him. My friend refused the gospel, even after seeing God's amazing, powerful love. You can learn more about my thoughts concerning what God was trying to do by reading the last few paragraphs of part two of that story (See Part two here).
Last week, one of my readers visited our home. She had become friends with my daughters and stayed with us for a few days. During that visit, I told her this story. I mentioned that I have prayed for him for 25 years and that I had sometimes Googled his name to see if I could find him, but I gave up on that.
Thinking about the Google search, I decided to try it again last night. I knew my friend had planned to go into the Navy, so I added Navy to his name in the search. I clicked on the very first link that came up, and the page described a man who went to the University of Florida (yes, that's my college), graduated in 1980 in engineering (Yes again), and was on a Navy scholarship while in school (bingo, once more). I scrolled down and found his photo. Yes, this man is an older version of my friend, same face and body shape, same strong jaw, etc. I found him!
So, what is he doing now? Though he repudiated God's call and miraculous love, did God's word have any lasting effect on him?
Drum roll, please. ... My friend is now a consultant for Wycliffe Bible Translators!!!! He became a Christian about ten years after the story events and is now on fire for the Lord!
I am now in the process of trying to contact him. I'm looking forward to hearing the rest of the rest of the story! Stay tuned.
Those were truly wondeful miracles given by the graciousness of god. I don't think I could have showed those two the wonders of god. That was a truly amazing story. It is truly wondeful what happened to your friends. Barely anyone matches your faith in god. I'm really glad Kevin has faith in god after all the miracles god has given him. I'd really like to keep in touch. Your stories re truly amazing. If you could, please email me at
That was an amazing show of the wonders of God. You are not one of those "followers". You are a true beleiver. People have changed the meaning of the church. They made the idea "If you go to church everyone Sunday, you'll get to Heaven". I beleive you have a huge impact on the faith of God. You show so much faith in the One and Only God. I used to not think of God that much, but now my eyes are beginning to see the truth. I'll look when you're scheduled to be in Atlanta. I would really appreciate it if you could stay in touch with me. I look forward to hearing your testimony and conquer of struggles You have faced with God. My email is
That was truly an amazing wonder of God. You are not one of the "Beleivers". You are a Follower, a True Beleiver of God. I love your way of turning people over to the powerful embrace if God. You are truly an amazing man, fulfilling his purpose; spreading and following the truth about God. I really would love to meet you. I'll look at oyur schedule and see when you're scheduled for Atlanta, Georgia. I would also like to keep in touch with you. Hear your struggles and accomplishments with the Glory of God.
Please e-mail me at
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