Saturday, March 24, 2007

Why Christian Writers Do What They Do

As a writer, it's great to get one of those notes that reminds me of what it's all about. Please allow me to quote from a letter I received today.

"I also need to thank you for saving my life. When I read those books, I was not a Christian, but the power I saw in these books made me want that close relationship with God that Bonnie and Sapphira had. I am happy to write that I am now a Christian, and my faith is stronger than ever. Someday, I hope to be as great a writer as you are and do the same for somebody else."

Wow! As I read the letter, my hand shook and chills covered my body. I must confess that tears filled my eyes.

This is truly what it's all about. There is no greater joy than feeling God's pleasure.


birdoffire137 said...

vI read your series when I was a Christian, and re-reading them when I was going through a hard time gave me hope. You can't put a price tag on that. My faith is something that I'm working on, and books like your are helping me do it. I'll be looking foward to Enoch's Ghost, and hoping that it's as good as the rest of your stuff has been.

Anonymous said...

Your books gave me a lot of hope as well, Mr. Davis. Keep doing what you do.

WayneThomasBatson said...

That just ROCKS, Bryan. And kind of cool to think of how many you may meet in Heaven who remember your books as a catalyst for their faith in Christ.

Keep writing, Bro.

Pam Halter said...

How wonderful, Bryan! It's a good reminder that the words we write are not for ourselves, but for the glory of God ... and God will use them as He wills.

Holli said...

Its given a lot of people hope. Julius isn't the only one on the forum who've been touched by your books; they're truly a blessing.

Mr. Batson, what you said right there reminds me of a song. I can't remember the name or the artist, but it is talking about a man's small gift to a missionary, and when he gets to Heaven, he is being greeted by all these people who are telling him that because of his gift, they were saved.

Anonymous said...

3 John verse 4: "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth."

There have been many times when I've thanked Pam for her teaching me and discipling me, and she always points to that verse, and tells me that she feels the same way. I'm positive, Mr. Davis, that you too feel that way when you get letters such as this.

Always know, Mr. Davis, that your books, your passion, and your family have also helped me in my walk with the Lord, and given me a greater hope for the future.

And Kare, the song is titled "Thank You for Giving to The Lord" by Ray Boltz :)

Anonymous said...

thank you for what you've given me-in the mail and spiritually. i can't email you cause i haven't got an email acount. i can't wait till the next book in the series comes out! and i'm really excited about the new "time" series. everything i've read by you is always encouraging me on through Christ, so thanks. keep on writing!

Unknown said...

Thanks for your encouragement to me as well. You assured me that writing has a Divine purpose and impact. I am currently in the middle of writing my first book that I know has been God led-same as your encouragement.

Anonymous said...

Mr.Davis i have read all the books from begging to the end(well all the books that are out that is) i am soo looking forward to the new book coming out(Last of the Nephilim)i couldnt take my eyes off the last book it gave me such hope and took me to a whole new world! Keep it up Mr.Davis