Saturday, October 20, 2007

Harry Potter removes his mask

I have criticized the Harry Potter series many times, and in my efforts, I sometimes felt alone among authors of my genre. I am hoping that after J. K. Rowling's recent revelation, my lonely voice among Christian fantasy authors will change.

It seems that Ms. Rowling has publicly revealed her true intent, to promote acceptance of homosexuality and to encourage rebellious attitudes. I knew of the second intent long ago, but the promotion of homosexuality came as a mild surprise.

Here is an article from Click Here

"Dumbledore is gay," the author responded to gasps and applause.

So, the only wise authority figure in the story has a sinful sexual orientation, and Rowling is proud of this fact. It comes as no surprise that Ms. Rowling's admirers would applaud this revelation. Such is the unbiblical world view of this author and many of her fans.

Here is another interesting excerpt:

Rowling, finishing a brief "Open Book Tour" of the United States, her first tour here since 2000, also said that she regarded her Potter books as a "prolonged argument for tolerance' and urged her fans to "question authority."
It seems that she admits to using these books to promote acceptance of what most Christians would consider a sinful deviation God's design, as well as an attitude that would be suspicious of authority. Now no one can argue that she didn't have this intent.

One more excerpt:

Not everyone likes her work, Rowling said, likely referring to Christian groups that have alleged the books promote witchcraft. Her news about Dumbledore, she said, will give them one more reason.
And rightly so. This announcement should give Christians reason not to like her work. Her motivations are directly opposed to the biblical truth that homosexuality is an abomination to God (Leviticus 18:22) and that fostering rebellious attitudes is akin to causing little ones to stumble, an extremely dangerous offense.
Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it is better for him that a heavy millstone be hung around his neck, and that he be drowned in the depth of the sea. (Matthew 18:6)
I hope this revelation puts a nail in the HP coffin, and I pray that Christians who support Ms. Rowling's harmful material will finally see the light. I might get flamed for posting this opinion and for slamming another author, but highlighting the intent behind these books, and the fact that they are a dangerous influence in our culture, is a responsibility I can't ignore.
Since I first posted this, I have received a couple of critical comments. Because of one of these comments, a heart-felt plea for compassion, I have edited this post in order to choose words that are less likely to be misunderstood.

I'm also adding some thoughts from my response to that comment, because it would be wrong for me to overlook the commenter's plea. His sincerity was touching and deserves much more than a passing glance. (For the rest of my response, see the comments section.)

Disapproval of homosexuality doesn’t equate to hatred. I don’t hate anyone who claims a homosexual orientation. What I believe about it is grounded in Scripture, and I don’t believe God creates anyone that way. Such a belief should not lead anyone to think that I have any hatred or lack compassion.

True compassion involves helping someone out of a problem, not saying it’s okay to be there. It is showing someone the way out of sin, not making someone feel comfortable in it. Ms. Rowling wants people to be comfortable with homosexuality. I want people to leave it behind and find true freedom in Christ. That's what real compassion is all about.


Sapphira Adi said...

I completely agree with everything that you have just said in your blog. I second you to back you up. Harry Potter is a very strange book/ movie series. Wizards? I mean, come on. Finally, someone who has the courage to say what he/she believes in. This should go for another reason why you are my role model. *hurries to go get scrapbook and pen and paper* Good job, Bryan!

Anonymous said...

my parents always told me that HP wasn't good... it was wrong--about witchcraft and such...but i never knew about that... it'll back them up and me too... for some of my friends like HP and it's hard for me to defend my reasons why it's wrong


Anonymous said...

I hope this causes some Christians to finally see the truth. I'm known among my grade as a fantasy reader. People have asked me about why I don't read Harry Potter. I haven't had much reasons against it except to say that I believe the things it teaches are against what the Bible teaches. I haven't ever read them so I don't have any examples. This will give me a good reason. Thank you very much for posting this

WayneThomasBatson said...

Sir Bryan,

I respect your views on HP, and I know you are a man after God's own heart. So I offer this, not as a counterpoint, but just food for thought.

In an interview with a British newspaper called The Telegraph, Rowlings actually admitted that HP, especially the Deathly Hollows, was very influenced by Christianity.

Perusing the article, I think one finds that she is a person really struggling with faith--even now. She admittedly has doubts and finds it hard to accept at times. Rowlings even went so far as to say that her HP books echo her personal struggle with faith. I've not read deathly hallows yet, but I've heard that there's a serious Christ-like sacrifice theme going on. Not sure. Maybe Rowlings is at a turning point where God is hounding her with truth, showing her that all the success that the world offers won't answer her biggest questions.

Another article in Christianity Today examines Rowlings use of several Bible verses in Deathly Hallows. The discussion seems to indicate that Rowlings might be more than meets the eye.

The CNN article that you spoke of shows us that she is clearly allowing humanism to overcome whatever faith she has.

And that is a huge danger, isn't it: letting our emotional response to something lead us to judge whether it is right, rather than comparing it to truth in Scripture.

I imagine Rowlings looks at homosexuals very humanistically. Live and let love, and how terrible it is to condemn people for their choice of love. Again, that's emotion, not Biblical truth. She espouses tolerance, a dangerously positive sounding word. But Christians know that we tolerate and love the sinner, but reject and hate the sin itself.

And for Rowlings to urge us to question authority, well, I'm not so sure that's a bad idea. But hear me out before you delete this. lol

The Bible tells us to follow the authority here on earth b/c God put them in a position for a reason. But what if the authority tells us not to talk about God anymore? What if the authority in our school is pushing obscene material, gay literature, or some other objectionable thing? Then, I say, yes, question authority bigtime. Ultimately, we answer to one REAL authority...and that's God.

So, all this to say, there's a lot in HP that is not good. Rowlings recent statements are not good. But let's attack the error, the sin. The world expects us Christians to go around flaming HP, Rowlings, and everything else for that matter.

That's not what Jesus did with the woman at the well. He knew she was steeped in sin, but he offered her water. I wonder what we could offer to Harry Potter readers or even JK Rowlings herself?

{Note to Byran. I'm not sure what else is on the Telegraph site with this article, but see the link below if you want to include it}

Bryan Davis said...


Thank you for your thoughtful comment. As you might expect, I don’t agree with how you have framed the issue, so I will make a counterpoint.

I read the CT article. I haven’t read the seventh HP book (I read the first four), so I can’t speak authoritatively, but the CT article doesn’t offer much proof that Rowling has a good understanding of biblical truth. Apparently she quotes Scripture in a reasonable context, but that doesn’t overcome the massive amount of evidence that she doesn’t have a biblical world view.

I don’t have a problem with questioning authority that contradicts the Scriptures. But that’s not Rowling does. She writes stories in which the heroes constantly defy authority, often for selfish reasons, and they get rewarded for it, or at least escape consequences. “Question Authority” then becomes a theme, a mantra, not something you are forced to do when authority becomes corrupt. Such a constant assault on authority, including making every authority figure either evil or stupid, is a symptom of a spirit of rebellion. And this is a horrible theme for young readers.

Many people cite what is good in the HP books. I have seen a few good things, but not a lot. And when a lie gets wrapped in a pretty package, the “good” that we see then becomes a deceptive tool to gain acceptance. Claiming Christian themes then becomes the sheep’s clothing that disguise the wolf.

The woman at the well was an ostracized peasant. Rowling is a rich wielder of great influence. Since she quotes Scripture and has such power, yet still causes little ones to stumble, she is more like the Pharisees than the woman at the well, and Jesus offered the Pharisees some very sharp rebukes.

To the readers, however, those who have been deceived by Ms. Rowling, I offer water, as do you, through books that have a real Christian world view.

Thank you for joining me in providing that water to thirsty readers.

Sapphira Adi said...

Wow. Both of you guys have some very intersting view points, and, yes, it is making me think. Never thought I would see a controversary between my favorite authors. lol

Bryan Davis said...


Wayne and I respect each other highly. We brothers in Christ and friends.

We have a differing point of view on a particular issue, but we both have the same objective, to draw readers closer to God with our stories.

Wayne, if this is a controversy, maybe they'll let us do a sword fight on Fox & Friends. Of course, you would skewer me, but maybe all the blood-letting would get me some sympathy.

Anonymous said...

You’re a homophobic bigot and that is why your books will never amount to the popularity the Harry Potter series have for their morals in tolerance and acceptance.

Bryan Davis said...

I allowed the previous comment to post because I wanted my blog readers to see the way some Harry Potter supporters think (or don’t think) and react. Apparently unable to comment with a reasoned defense of Ms. Rowling or the Harry Potter books, “Jaclyn” has resorted to throwing the “homophobic” insult at me, using it as an adjective to modify “bigot.”

Her reasonless name calling is one of the symptoms of bigotry, so it appears that Jaclyn is the one practicing it. And she touts tolerance and acceptance when it appears that she is the intolerant and non-accepting one, for she has attacked me without reason.

I expected haters of what is good and decent to attack me, so this is no surprise. Many defenders of Harry Potter have long practiced what the Bible warns against:

"Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" (Isaiah 5:20)

They call lying, rebellion, and sexual perversion good, while insulting those who teach that these things are wrong. Such is the evil fruit of the HP series.

Jaclyn has done me a favor by bearing witness to exactly what I’m saying. These books are damaging our culture by popularizing sinful behavior, making it normal and acceptable in the sight of the readers, and her hostile attack demonstrates the darkness that has been planted by Rowling and her ilk.

As we provide moral alternatives to the HP poison, it’s important to pray for Jaclyn and others who have been damaged by it. May God help the HP fans learn the truth.

Elenatintil said...

After many years of hearing conflicting views on Harry Potter (I came from a very conservetive community that usually condemned them, then went to a more liberal college where they were the norm) I read the series in it's entirety. I was actually pleasantly surprised by them, (there was much more humor and enjoyable parts than I expected) though I do recognize some dangers in them and will not allow my younger sister to read them. I was, however, quite shocked and disappointed in Rowling's recent announcement about Dumbledore, particularily since I did not see anything in the books to suggest any sort of homosexuality. Also, I believe her stand about questioning authorities becomes more understandable in the later books, where the authorities clearly are under the power of Voldemort and it is most necessary to disobey them.

Bryan Davis said...


I will comment on this part of your post, "Also, I believe her stand about questioning authorities becomes more understandable in the later books, where the authorities clearly are under the power of Voldemort and it is most necessary to disobey them."

What many readers fail to understand is the Rowling is the one who made every authority in the story unworthy of trust. They were either evil, stupid, or under the control of someone evil. This was part of her agenda, to foster an idea that we can't trust authority figures. She did this on purpose.

In reality, some authority figures are wise and trustworthy, and readers, especially young ones, shouldn't be absorbed in Rowling's distorted concept. Such stories can warp young readers' minds and lead them toward the swallowing the author's twisted objectives.

WayneThomasBatson said...

No controversy, Swordbrother Bryan. Clearly, HP has some element that should concern us. And given the audience that Rowlings commands, it is disturbing to hear that she has come out with such views. It's like hearing a Hollywood actor or actress make political statements. You wince because lots of people listen to them as if they are authorities, when actually they are very underqualified.

That said, I feel for the woman as an author and a person struggling with faith...and in some ways attempting to explore herself through her fiction. Most writers do self-disclose in their writing. I also know that God can take even his most ardent enemies and make them strong allies. Paul was such a man, eh? How cool would it be for JKR to recognize Christ for who He really is and then use her sphere of influence for Him?

Being an author of fantasy as we both are, we've had well-meaning Christians condemn our works as evil. Remember the homeschool lady in Pennsylvania? She read both of our books and immediately called them tools of the devil. She even went so far as to contact all her local Christian bookstores to see if they would ban our books--books that we know actually encourage people to find and follow Jesus!

So, I guess my point is, rather than roundly condemning HP and JKR, let's leave the door open for dialogue. Let's point out the flaws and objectionable material and show why we think what we think, while at the same time, showing compassion.

PS: I don't think the swordfight will be necessary. But it sure would be fun. ;-)

Sapphira Adi said...

Wow, I will never think about the Harry Potter series the sane again, I knew it was trash from the beginning, but these are a lot of interesting new points. Thanks everyone for the wonderful thoughts. About the sword fight, don't make me watch:D

Sapphira Adi said...

By the way, jaclyn, do not call somebody a whatever you called them. In the dictionary, I looked up what you called Bryan and here are the definitions:
ho·mo·pho·bic [hmÉ™ fṓbik]
having irrational hatred of homosexuality: showing an irrational hatred, disapproval, or fear of homosexuality, homosexual men and lesbians, and their culture


big·ot [bíggÉ™t]
(plural big·ots)
intolerant person: somebody who has very strong opinions, especially on matters of politics, religion, or ethnicity, and refuses to accept different views

Okay, what you said me be true, but shall we see what the Bible says about homosexualtity? Also, it is not a fear, but more of a willpower in Bryan's faith and willpower to do what god would want.

1 Corinthians 6:9-11 9 (NIV)

Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor the idulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctfied, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of God.

There it is, straight from the New Testament. If you have any questions, do not post here and be annoyed, go to the Bible.

And as for his books, Bryan's books are great and they are ten times better than the Harry Potter series. Bryan's books have Christian morals and Harry potter books have nothing but junk inside. Witchcraft, wizards, magic and other strange stuff behing the author's imagination. His books have a purpose and make a difference. HP books do nothing but fantasize people into believing all this junk and leading people astray.

You go, Bryan!

Bryan Davis said...


How we criticize the HP books and their author is a matter of interpreting intent. If she has intentionally tried to incorporate the theme of rebellion in her stories, as I believe she has, then she is a stumbling block for young people. The example I follow, then, is Jesus, who harshly rebuked people who did such things. He showed compassion for the ignorant and contrite, two characteristics that do not describe J. K. Rowling.

Therefore, I have to be obedient to the command to imitate Jesus, and He was ready to sharply criticize, yes, even condemn, people of power and influence who lead people astray.

I'm not saying that you are not being obedient in this. Perhaps God calls some to different methods. You can be the "good cop," and I'll be the "bad cop." Though, you look more menacing with a sword than I do.

Pam Halter said...

I've only read the first four books, too, so can't comment on the series as a whole. But I have an observation. It was mentioned that JKR quoted Scripture and that maybe she was seeking. Didn't Satan quote Scripture when he was tempting the Lord in the wilderness? I'm not sure we can use that argument to make JKR less evil (for lack of a better word.)

I'm proud of you in the Lord, Bryan, for standing up for what is right and true and lovely.

And for you, Wayne, for bringing a counterpoint. It's good to look at all sides and bring them together for comparison.

What we need to remember is that God is sovereign of even the Harry Potter success, and He will use it as He determines.

Anonymous said...

I would like a little advice on something. The only secular fantasy I have ever read and enjoyed is the Inheritance trilogy by Christopher Paolini. It is almost entirely filled with magic and sorcery.

In Deuteronomy 18: 10-12 it says: Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the LORD, and because of these detestable pracices the LORD you God will drive out those nations before you.

I think its pretty clear that God finds these things detestable. The thing I'm worried about is does he find reading about these things detestable? I'm glad people like Bryan and Wayne have put fantasy out there where I don't have to worry about these things. However, the little secular fiction that I might read is filled with it. The inheritance trilogy is stuffed with it. Harry Potter is all about many of these things. What are peoples opinions on this because I am wrestling with this right now.

Anonymous said...

This is absolutely getting ridiculous! No offense but Mr. Davis, the way you talk is what is turning people away from Christianity. Your books are great, but you as a person, you have many flaws. First of all I am sick of the hatred Christians hold towards homosexuals. It is getting ridiculous. Jesus in his right mind would never walk around bible thumping, thinking themselves as perfect individuals because God made them straight and perfect. I am gay and I must say its you type of people who almost made me commit suicide. My wrists are so badly cut from years of cutting myself, there is nowhere where a scar exists. Why have I never disclosed my true struggling to anyone, because people like you boast about how you are straight and pretend that homosexuality does not exist. Guess what........ I have prayed and tried to attempt suicide too many times, crying my eyes out, wishing some Christian would reach out to help me. But none came, I feel a lot like the one guy in the one parable, where the one guy is walking and is injured, and the priest walks by him and some other man, not caring about him. Only the man who is not a Christian reaches out his hand. For me I would be the injured man, hurt and injured by the Church's hateful attitude towards me, near suicide. Everyone ignores, except for someone who is homosexual or a Christian like JK Rowling who does share in this judgmental attitude comes to help me. I respect you,you have helped me to rediscover God, through these books. But please try and be more compassionate, you just seem to go on tirades, and never seem to be more compassionate. By the way, I am a Christian homosexual yet believe in remaining chaste. Homosexuality is not a choice, believe me! When I was twelve I did not say to God to make me gay. I would never choose a lifestyle filled so much with hate and harassment. I am praying not for you to believe that it is not a sin but for you to just be more compassionate. God has given me this struggle, so I am able to more fully understand something many Christians come up with so many false myths about, and spread hate, just as the pharisees have done. Thank you Mr. Batson and Mr. Davis for writing such great books! I respect you both, I am not here to criticize you. You may think I am sinful or some other nasty thoughts about me. God really has helped me to accept myself and to know he loves me for who I am, not the someone else that some Christians push onto me. I am sick of being depressed, I crave the love of a fellowship of Christ. Why do we all look at the faults in others and judge? Christians only seem to love the false me and not the one God intended for me to become

Bryan Davis said...


Disapproval of homosexuality doesn’t equate to hatred. I don’t hate you or anyone else. What I believe is grounded in Scripture, that homosexuality is a deviance, which simply means that it departs from the biblical standard. It is a perversion of what is natural, that is, the created order, and I don’t believe God makes anyone with that kind of orientation. Such an interpretation should not lead you to believe that I hold any hatred or lack compassion.

You can’t expect someone who believes homosexuality to be a sin to dismiss that belief and accept that God created you that way. I believe that God can purge all sin from any believer, whether that sin is homosexuality, drug abuse, adultery, violence, pride, or “name any sin.”

Just as I would reach out to help a repentant heterosexual fornicator, I would reach out and help a repentant homosexual. But I would not accept that fornicators can continue in their fornications, nor would I accept that a homosexual orientation should continue. Such acceptance perpetuates the problem. That is not compassion; it is giving up.

True compassion involves helping someone out of a problem, not saying it’s okay to be there. It is showing someone the way out of sin, not making someone feel comfortable in it. Ms. Rowling wants people to be comfortable with homosexuality. I want people to leave it behind and find true freedom in Christ.

That is what compassion is all about.

WayneThomasBatson said...


I don't hate you, and I don't think nasty thoughts about you. To do so would make me a hypocrite of monumental proportions. I know what it's like to struggle with a sin, how hard it is, especially when the sin is wrapped in emotions. Things can feel so natural, they can feel so right…and yet, be absolutely wrong.

Attempted suicide is no small thing. It sounds to me that you are dealing with much more than your sexual identity. There is a way out, and God wants you on that path. But the path MUST begin with truth NOT feelings.

If you don't begin with truth, then it's truly anything goes. If you or I am the ultimate moral authority, then the world is going to be a messed up place.

Start with God. Who is He? What does His word say? Does He love me? Can He help me change? Does He have a plan for me?

Start there. Fight feelings with truth. When the two conflict, go with truth.

We love you, Kyo. I think I can speak for Bryan and the other posters here. We're all broken, messed up people too. But we all turn to the One who can lift our chin and carry us...the one who calls things into being that never were before. With God, all things are possible.

Never alone.

Unknown said...

i used to love the harry potter books! they are so well written!! but after she announced that about dumbledore, J.K. Rowling RUINED those books for me!! she's finished with the books so she could have just left him alone!!!! i lost all the repect i had for her as a writer! and it's not because i hate gay people! it's that i always thought of dumbledore as a straight man. and being the Christian girl i am, i guess i just assumed that! but i'm putting away all my HP things for good and for God!! because after hearing this it makes me realize how unChrist-like this is. Even though at the end of the seventh book there was some resemblence to Christ in Harry. He asked for guidance and if it had to happen but from others since he didn't know God. (not to be mean)but if you want to argue the best you can you might want to read them first! even though i know a lot about them and i never saw this coming......never...........

Bryan Davis said...


I feel sad and weep with you. Ms. Rowling has betrayed your trust, and such betrayal is painful.

Yes, I could probably argue better if I read all seven books, but, after reading four, I knew what the author was up to. There was no need to continue wading through the mire to realize that it was foul. I started the fifth book, but I couldn't take it anymore.

Kaylyn, thank you for sharing your thoughts. I'm glad you're putting the HP books away. Your decision says a lot about the quality of your character. Few people are willing to change their minds and make such a commitment.

M. C. Pearson said...

Well stated Bryan. I have always enjoyed the HP books but I am so upset by JKR's revelation of her horrible agenda that I am now taking it off my 'best of' list.

I had passed off the witchcraft as total fantasy because it is so unlike real witchcraft. BUT NOW!!! I was so wrong. Her anti-establishment ideas are so like the anarchist ways of true witches that it is hard to argue for her anymore.

I whole-heartedly agree that homosexuality is a sin. And, yes, we still love the sinners. We are all sinners...but we are now forgiven in Christ. Amen.

Bryan Davis said...

Thank you for chiming in, Mimi. Being willing to change your mind is a sign of noble character.

Anonymous said...

I have friends who read the HP books and have always thought that they are a waste of time (for lack of a better phrase). The bible tells us to focus on things that are pure, noble, true, holy, righteous, etc.

I hurt for people who think that they were born as a homosexual and do not have a choice in the matter. This is a lie - a trick of Satan. God makes everything perfect and good, and he made us. He also condemns homosexuality and says that it is a sin. God can not contradict himself. If you believe that the bible is the word of God, then you must believe that all of it is.

Kyo, I do not hate you or think anything mean about you. I am praying for you to be comforted. I am praying for you to be delivered from your struggles and for the light of truth to shine on you. True Christians do not hate the person who sins, they hate the sin itself. Please know that many people out there love you.

Clefspeare, I agree that JKR is leading many people astray. She knows what she is doing, and it is wrong and sad. But I also think that she needs our prayer. She is lost, and could still be found.

People who call Christians narrow-minded because they do not accept things like this tell the truth. The road to eternal life IS a narrow one, and we need to change our ways and be like Jesus in all that we do. You cannot follow God part way, for you cannot serve two masters. I hope that this new revelation about Dumbledore will show this to Christian HP supporters.

Thank-you for posting this Mr.Davis!

Bryan Davis said...

Thank you, OAW. Your comments are great.

That's a good reminder. We should pray for Ms. Rowling. I have done so in the past, and your comment has reminded me to do so more regularly.

Unknown said...

I must say JKR is going crazy, and also her last two books were train wrecks. I did not like the seventh and sixth books, they were all over the place, plot wise. To me, I am a fan only of the first five books, after that I just want to trash the last two. Not because of morality, but because of the fact they are just horribly written books. Now I know not all on here are fond of Twilight by: Stepehenie Meyers, but I like her books a whole lot better than Harry Potter. Also, The Legends of the Guardian King series is much more fullfilling spiritually and is all together a much more well written novel
Kyo, Do not feel down! There will be those who will harass you if you divulge your struggling. I know this because one of my best friends committed suicide over the struggle between his faith and Christianity. I also know another who was one of my friend's friend who went to Exodus, and ended up committing suicide because the reparative program was both stressful and some of the things they did there (such as making boys play sports, WHAT?, man not all men like sports!) were just odd and did not sound Christian to me. That's just me though I believe in remaining chaste, I'm not all up and arms with these places that charge all this money and some people come out even more frustrated and confused.
Anyways, some great biblical characters remained chaste. Also Jesus once said to a eunich that not all can marry and they should remain chaste. CS Lewis remained chaste, of course not because he struggled with homosexuality. I do not see these attractions as myth, as some Christians see them as. I do not think people would be killing themselves over stuff like this if it was a choice anyways. Just pray to God,remember its okay to not go to a reparative therapy place, I'm against them, because of many I have seen commit suicide from them, and the fact that they are based on sexist principles such as making men play sports and women put on makeup. Anyways, if anyone is giving you a hard time, on the fact that they think you should go to Exodus, just remember chastity is okay. I can not believe there are so many christians against that. NOT ALL PEOPLE CAN PROCREATE! Also, its okay, if you do not feel welcome at church, I still do not go very much, for personal reasons and that they sexually harrassed my gay friend and drove him to committ suicide.

Taylor said...

I toally agree with parents read them, to see if I could, and they said i could not. for which i am now thankful. God puts tests for us, and some we may fail, but i think we have passed this one, by not reading those books. yours are just as exciting, and full of godly character, and is my time of the month to read diom and oof again.... :)

Anonymous said...

that has to be Acacia and Paili!

James Somers said...

Bryan, I met you with Wayne and the other briefly in Knoxville TENN. during the Fantasy Four book tour.
I'm mildly surprised to hear about the homosexuality issue in Rowling's books--I've not read them personally.
However I agree with you one hundred percent. As a Christian fantasy author myself and a Pastor, I hope to see the day when Christian Fantasy can gain more ground with young readers. It is a shame that parents would knowingly purchase such material for their children, but at least there are alternatives and they are growing by the grace of God as Christian fantasy begins to spread.

Unknown said...

Its not mentioned in the books. For me the books are about love, and display as much of the struggle against good versus evil as many other books. I will not even mention anymore since my post is literally walking on a balance rope as of already. I am awaiting to see a huge verbal assault. So I will end my post abruptly.
John Granger wrote a great post in response to the news. His book God and Harry Potter was a great read. Robin Parrish loves the books and so does many other Christian people, so I know I am not alone in feeling Harry Potter and reading it is a sin,which it is not.

Bryan Davis said...

Justin, I know a lot of HP readers are trying to circle the wagons and continue to defend these books, but the rhetoric just doesn't work. Mr. Granger has been wrong about the series from the beginning, and he continues to be wrong.

It doesn't really matter how many Christians defend the series. They are anti-Christian regardless of the numbers of defenders they have.

I never said it was a sin to read them, but the books are a danger to our culture.

Shane Deal said...

I lost interest in the books the moment I read the "Revelation" I don't know if my dislike of Potter would be quite so strong had not Rowling proclaimed them Christian books two days prior. I expect such immorality in secular fiction. But when the author parades immorality in a positive light and claims it's a book with Christian themes.... I have a problem with that. The revelation revealed that the post-modern interpretation of several scenes in the book is probably the intended interpretation. (I.E. Albus Dumbledore asking for one of the guys on his side to kill him to avoid the pain of one of the bad guys people getting him, Harry's use of the so-called "Unforgivable curses." etc. without it being portrayed as being morally wrong, etc.) It really shows a post-modern intention rather then noble ones.

I don't know if Rowling is or isn't a Christian as she claims, that's not for me to decide. But it appears that she should take heed and be sure that she's in the faith, because things like this indicate otherwise.