Because of your amazing efforts, I'm increasing the awards again. So, as I list the winners, I will also tell what they've won.
This is Kale, our first place contestant (1369 points). Along with many reviews, bookstore photos, and purchase referrals, she did an amazing job with posters, hanging them in 129 different places! She wins "books for life," and she will be the first to help me create a character in a future book, that is, I will create a character who will be a fictionalized representation of the winner, using a name and characteristics that we will agree upon.

This is Twin4God, our second place contestant (1259 points). She was also great at putting up posters, 65 in all, but her biggest point accumulation came from getting 27 people to buy copies of the book. That's amazing. She also wins books for life, and she will be the second to help me create a character, probably a more minor character than what Kale's will be, but she'll know it's hers. That one will be later down the road, but we'll stay in touch to get it done.
This is Josh, our third place contestant (1152 points). He was another poster warrior. I checked his list of 73 posters, and I think he put one up in every Panera Bread restaurant in a three-state area! Josh also wins books for life, and he will be the third to help me create a character. Again, his will be a more minor character than Kale's, and it will be in a later series.
The rest of the prize winners are as follows:
Rounding out the top ten:
Katie G. – 431.5 (Four books, including the next two in "Echoes")
Magma – 391.3 (Three books, including the next two in "Echoes")
Abigail - 332 (Three books, including the next two in "Echoes")
Shae - 327 (Three books, including the next two in "Echoes")
Moncowgirl - 315 (Three books, including the next two in "Echoes")
Lightbearer - 279 (Three books, including the next two in "Echoes")
And the Honorable Mentions:
Araken - 274 (Eternity's Edge and Book #3 in "Echoes")
Galadriel - 262 (Eternity's Edge and Book #3 in "Echoes")
Zera - 243 (Eternity's Edge and Book #3 in "Echoes")
Son of Shem - 234 (Eternity's Edge and Book #3 in "Echoes")
Djaq - 212 (Eternity's Edge and Book #3 in "Echoes")
Jessica H. - 206 (Eternity's Edge and Book #3 in "Echoes")
Katie L - 200 (Eternity's Edge and Book #3 in "Echoes")
Tegid - 165 (Eternity's Edge)
Bookworm for God - 159 (Eternity's Edge)
Michelle - 156 (Eternity's Edge)
MeghanTheDraygon - 100 (Eternity's Edge)
Prize winners, it will be very important to keep me up to date with any mailing address changes you have over the months and years. If I don't have your mailing address, I will email you and ask for it. I'm looking forward to these lasting friendships with you!
I hope to have another contest soon. It will focus on the Oracles of Fire series and also promote the next fantasy tour, which I will be posting about a lot in the near future.
Whoa! Twin4God, that's amazing how many referral points you got!!! How'd you do it? I talked to my entire fencing club of 20 something people and got 3 buyers. How'd you pull of so many? You must be a very convincing diplomat...
And congrats, Kale, I'd say you've earned bragging rights as a "Bryan Davis Geek" (in a good way).
As a matter of fact, congratulations to EVERYBODY, because you all did a fantastic job!
Wow, I feel special!
I'm impressed too. Clefy, you have a very loyal group of fans here! Who won the video contest?
I forgot to mention that Shae produced my favorite video. There were three or four that were superb, so it was hard to choose just one.
Shae's came in just yesterday, so I haven't posted it yet. Soon, I will post it and some others that haven't appeared here.
Wow! You did an amazing job! Congrats to Kale, Twin4god, and Josh! Have fun with those characters! And great job on your video, Shae! And congrats to everyone who participated! This was amazingly fun for me!
Thanks, Mr. Davis! I had a really great time!
Congrats to everyone! It was amazing to be in this contest. Thank you so much Mr. Davis for giving everyone this chance! I also want to give a extra big congrats to Kale. You did a great job!
CONGRATS!!!!!!! w00t!!! I'm so glad for you guys! That must've been really hard (or maybe not) to get that many points!!! *claps*
Great job!!
Wow! It's so weird for this contest to be over. I had a lot of fun participating. Thanks Mr. Davis and congrats to Kale, Twin4God, and Josh. You guys deserve it!
I forgot to put my name. Yikes! The one that says Bryce is me, Twin4God.
it's definately been a cool contest.
congrats everyone!
Congradulations to everyone!
And Happy Canada Day to everyone! (this includes everyone in the good US of A)
Congrats everyone! It sure was a blast! Next contest, I'm signing up right away and I will be putting allot more effort into. Just to see what happens. ;)
Congrats Kale, Twin4God, and Josh! You all did a fabulous job!
Another contest? Oooh, I may take part in that one, even though the next FFT is on the other side of the country from me...
Great job everybody!!!
I agree with Josh, how on earth did Twin4God get all those referrals?! Or should I say, on what COLOR earth?!?! She must've been to all three!!!
And Josh, every Panera Bread in a three state radius?...impressive.
My friend Shiloh was the one who turned me into a BDG (Bryan Davis Geek)THANK YOU SHILOH!!!
Thank you all for the congrats guys, although I think we ALL deserve it!
This has been so much fun, although I think I'll just watch the next one!!! :b
Because everyone is wondering, if you can only get a few referrals from friends turn to family. If you have WONDERFUL family who have awesome friends it shouldn't be that hard. :D
Again congrats everyone!
Yeah, everybody did REALLY good! Congrats to everybody! I can't wait to see Shae's video!
Are the top three the only ones getting complements for this?!
I think EVERYONE did a great job in the contest. It was harder for some people to get points and for some it was really easy. No matter what I know we all had fun with it.
Thank you Bryan Davis for raising the prizes, I know the contestants deserved it!
I also want to congradulate everybody, including the top three. It took an anormous amount of effort...but it was worth it! Great job, everyone! This was so much fun. Thank you, Mr. D for making it happen!
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