That's Sapphira Adi on the left and Bonnie Silver on the right. Those of you who have read Enoch's Ghost and Last of the Nephilim already know who the white horse is.
This book will likely come out in April or May of 2009 and will complete the series.
Please give me your comments on the cover. Now that all eight covers are out, I have posted a new poll asking which is your favorite.
I love it! Oh, I can't wait!!!
It looks just as great, if not better every time I see it! Absolutely love it, and is by far my favorite cover in the series!! I think this one will certainly win the poll!
This is sooooooo cool. *squeals*
This is definitely my favorite cover!
Saphira looks really good and the armor is AWESOME! With everything in OoF it makes perfect sense to have her and Bonnie together. I can't wait until it comes out!
Ooo....most excellent. At least my second favorite, possibly my favorite.
This is definitely the best cover thus far! Amazing!
Awesome!!! This is the best cover ever! And the secret of Bonnie's wings has finally been revealed!!!
That is the coolest cover of all of your series, IMHO. So much to look at and wonder about. COOLNESS
YEY! now we can talk about the cover without getting malleted!!!!!
I love the cover a lot! I think it and EoTO are my favs.
ya know you should have TBoM on fictioninrathershorttakes.blogspot.com.....
AMG had EoTO so it only makes sense to have the ending of the OoF series promoted there too. ^.-
(and Eternity's Edge would be an awesome FIRST Wild Card....we loved doing BtRE as a Wild Card)
This is by far the best cover.
If people judge this book by its cover this book will be sold out when it is ready. Whoever thought of the cover is really smart.
I have noticed that Bonnie and Sapphira look quite different on this cover then they do on the covers of the other books.
Bonnie seems to keep changing. She looks different on every cover she is on. On Bones of Makaidos, Bonnie looks more like Ashley did on the cover of Enoch's Ghost. And Sapphira on Bones of Makaidos looks more like Acacia on the cover of Last of the Nephilim.
I believe they are the only two that have appeared on more than one cover...other than Billy, but he looks the the same on both Raising Dragons and Circles of Seven...and i believe those are the only two books he is on.
That is all.
Awesome! I saw it and loved it right away. Very nice!
Wow!! That's awesome! My favorite cover, by far. Can't wait for the book to be in stores!!
Oh...IT'S AWESOME! This is my new favorite cover! So much detail! And if my eyes are working right, are those Bonnie's wings I see?! I wish my book cover designs could come out so well.
*squeals* It is sooo amazing! I don't think I can wait until the book comes out!
I like it! Though Cherub's Grip is right: a bunch of the people change or look the same over the 8 covers.
I think that Billy on CoS looks like Walter on EG.
Also, Bonnie has transformed from a long-haired blonde to a short-haired brunette.
However, I am just enjoying it all and CAN'T WAIT TO READ IT!!!!!
Still, it'll be sad to see the series end. (Please tell me one thing: is Devin EVER going to meet his end? Like, his real real end?)
WOW! this has to be the best cover, and book, yet! it looks like the end of the world. ohh, I can't wait!
Billy was on three covers, RD, CoS, and ToaD.
Of course characters are going to change - they're getting older, except for Sapphira of course. And of course Sapphira's gonna look like Acacia - they are twins, aren't they? Besides, I think Sapphira looks prettier on BoM than Acacia does on LotN.
And who said Bonnie's hair is short? She has it pulled back in a ponytail, so we don't know how long it is. Besides, the other covers always had her with shorter hair anyway, even though the books clearly say her hair is long. As for the color of her hair on BoM, is it not possible that the darkness is a shadow created by the glowing egg that Sapphira is holding?
Pure amazingness.
It's an interesting cover which will make people want to pick it up and read it.
How much imput do you get on your covers now?
Pam, for the dragons books, I tell the publisher what I want on the covers, so I pretty much have complete control. For the Echoes from the Edge books, the publisher asks me for input, but they design it, and it usually ends up being something I didn't expect at all.
Wait, who's the third dragon? One from Second Eden?
Speaking of which, I've always wondered whether the Second Eden dragons were created there, or if they got there the same way the humans do.
That is, without a doubt, the best cover so far! I wish the book was out already! I try to make myself be patient, because I know it takes work and time to get a book written and published. But I am so excited to read the series finale! I think, like I did with last cover, I am going to put this one somewhere on my computer that I can keep looking at it.
Great cover! The whole series has great covers. I'm sure that the book will be much better!
Great! You have some of the better book cover art in any fantasy genre! I'll be blogging this on my site.
I like the cover quite a bit, but it's too soon to say which of the eight is my favorite.
To me, Sapphira's eyes don't look quite as vivid blue as they do on EG. More "normal" this time.
Bonnie's hair does seem to be a good bit darker.
The two dragons on the right appear to be one male and one female. It could be the lighting.
Actually, I like Sapphira's eyes better on this cover than on EG. They look ... clearer, somehow.
Love it! I'm so excited!!
Mr. Davis,
I love the cover, however Circles of Seven is still my favorite. I just finished Last of the Nephillim (I'm behind, I know) and I was wondering...do you know every single detail when writing a story? For example, did you plan from the beginning of the series for Palin to be related to Billy? That was a real shocker moment for me.
Lady Brainsample
Lady Brainsample,
I don't know details like that until I write them. When I wrote Raising Dragons I knew there was a reason Billy's artwork was similar to Palin's, but I had no idea what that reason was until I wrote Last of the Nephilim.
That ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love the new cover!! The only thing that bothers me about the covers of the these books is the consistency of the characters. And in this one, Bonnie doesn't look anything like the original Bonnie that we see in RD or the Candlestone. Other than that, this is a beautiful cover! I CAN'T wait for the book to come out!!! I'm so excited!
Matthew, the artist used the same person to model Bonnie for all the covers. I think she looks the same, just older, which is appropriate.
Her hair is darker, but that happens. In the newest cover, her wings shade her hair, which makes it look even darker.
Oh my, this is most wonderful cover, yet! I love it when the cover of a book holds some much detail. A plethora of questions are raised without even opening the book! Simply amazing. Bonnie has been on the cover of six books now. I love how all your covers are a scene from the book, and it is fun to find it when reading. This cover is definitely my favorite!
several people have mentioned the secret of Bonnie's wings finally being revealed...but has it? Maybe she just got them back by going to the birthing field, like Billy and the other dragons.
Anonymous, you're right. This cover reveals only that she has wings at the time of this particular scene. It doesn't say how or when she got them.
Whoa. So cool! I didn't know that there was another series! I just knew about Dragons in Our Mist (which I love BTW). :]
Wow, it leaves me breathless!
The cover is really cool with the armor and sword
WOW!!!! thats awesome!!!! I am soo excited!! to read it!!! I am getting ready to read the Last of Nephilim!!! I am sooo excited!! your books are amazing!!!! I have never read such color in a book before!!! I suggest that you conntinue to write!!! I also have a question. have you written any other books rather than the EYE OF THE ORACLE AND DRAGONS IN ARE MIST series?? sry this is my first time on your blog so I am not very familiar w/ it!!! ok I'll shut up now!!!
Anonymous, yes, I have another series. It's called "Echoes from the Edge." The first book is "Beyond the Reflection's Edge," which is available now, and the second, which will come out in October, is "Eternity's Edge."
oh.. ok!! thanks!! I will make note to check those out!!! come and visit my blog sometime ok!!
ohh and I am the anonymous person! sry the first time I commated the thingy wouldn't work!! JUST THOUGHT YOU SHOULD KNOW
WOW I love it!!!!!!!!!!!
ps I read the 3rd book in less then 24 hours and can't wait for the next to come out!! Thank you for writing them!
That was so cool! I just got back from your book signing in MILford an I love it! With the mail and the dragons...ahhh I can't wait!
This site is so cool! I was searching to see if there would ever be a movie based on this series. I keep having this feeling that if there is i should try out. I really think there should be a movie, although it wont be as good as the books it will be very good!! If there are try outs you may not be able to do this but can a try out be on the east coast? Now about the covers, they are all amazing!!! Keep in mind everyone in the books im sure the teens/young adults are growing/changing. They may not be able to take a shower and look dirty. Peoples hair color can change over there years to. I am almost finished " The last of the Nelphilim" sorry im not sure how to spell that. Mr.Davis you are very creative and i love your books! It makes me want to be closer to God and have a better relationship with him. It was two days past my birthday i was so sad i didnt get your book, then i went to the book store and my mom said happy birhtday...I jumped up and down i was so EXCITED!!!! I couldnt stop smiling i was so happy i could read it! Thanks for writing the books!!!! I will keep you and your family in my prayers! With love Victoria/Tori
Gosh, I love it! I can't wait for the next book! I'm sure it'll be amazing!
omg! the oracles of fire and dragons in our midst series are by far the best i have ever read! i agree that they should make a movie for oracles of fire. every tome i hear the song "fire" by krystal meyers i think of the time in eye of the oracle where sapphira lights herself as the 13th lantern and rescues acacia. the bones of makaidos cover is so awesome! i cannot wait to read it! i cant decide if i like the cover better than the candlestone though. mr. davis has done a fantastic job with the series and though i cant wait for bones of makaidos, ill be sad when its all over! if elam and sapphira dont get married in this next one, there should be another one that tells about them and billy and bonnie and walter and ashley later on.
I Love the cover! i have been a complete die-hard fan since i read the first chapter of Raising Dragons. At that point in time, the most recent book was Circles of Seven. I love almost all fantasy and doubt I will ever stop loving it...
Anyway, the cover is incredible!!!! As for my favorite COVER, i have no idea. Maybe The Candlestone or Circles of Seven. I love all the books. I must ask, what characters did you originally plan, and how many have just evolved throughout the series? My fav book, idk, I love them all, but my least favs are Raising Dragons and Tears of a Dragon.
I am so thankful for what happened in Last of the Nephlim (with Billy, Bonnie and the other dragon's traits = ). I won't say more because i dont want to spoil it for those who dont yet know.)
Anyway, I love the books and the Echoes from the Edge series too. Good luck writing them!
Glorywings, the only characters I planned are the ones in Raising Dragons, and Bonnie wasn't even in the first draft. The rest evolved as I wrote the other stories.
oh yeah...I was right it was Bonnie...
I love all of the covers, but I really love this one!!! :) I can't wait to read this book!! *shouts for joy*
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