Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Diviner has been Released for Kindle and Nook

Diviner has been released for the Kindle and the Nook. Let me know if you get it from Amazon or Barnes & Noble.


Araken said...

Hi Mr. Davis; I just checked the tour map, and your stop at the homeschool co-op is 19 minutes away from my college!

Bryan Davis said...

Which homeschool co-op is that? Are you coming to it?

Araken said...

Oh, sorry; the co-op in Indiana. I'll be at Taylor University. Is it possible for me to attend, even though I'm not a part of the co-op?

Bryan Davis said...

Yes, you are allowed to attend. I might not teach anything you haven't heard before, but feel free to come.

Araken said...

I just might do that, though I'll have to check my schedule first.

Elf said...

On your new banner at the top of your blog, there is a picture of a girl with white hair (between the pictures for echoes from the edge and Tales of Starlight. I don't recognize her form any of your books and was wondering who she is.

Bryan Davis said...

Need2read, that is from the new cover for Eternity's Edge. The book will be re-released with that cover in the next few months.

Elf said...

Thank you. I just email a friend about you coming to my school. I told her to tell more people. Lots of kids in my school love your books, so I am sure everyone will be very excited(teachers too)!

Bryan Davis said...

Great! We're looking forward to coming.

Saphira said...

What is diviner about

Bryan Davis said...

I'm not going to give away spoilers about Diviner. I hope you get to read it.