Monday, November 14, 2011

Song of the Ovulum now on the Nook

Song of the Ovulum, book #1 in the Children of the Bard series, is now available on the Nook.

Enjoy! :-)


Tucker2009 said...

It ts an awesome book when is the second one coming out and what is it called

Bryan Davis said...

There is no title yet for the second book. I hope it comes out mid-year 2012.

Sapphira said...

it should be called like the ''missing dragon'' or something like that

Sapphira said...

do you have a chat site like Donita k. Paul because I was at one of your workshops and i really enjoyed asking you stuff

Bryan Davis said...

No, I don't have a chat site.

Sapphira said...

to bad that would rock

Anonymous said...

I have read almost ALL of your books! I just pulled a book out of my library bookshelf at school. It was Eye Of the Oracle. I read the whole series. Now I'm reading the first series, Dragons in our Midst! Your books ROCK! They have made my faith in God stronger than ever!!! Thank you! I can't wait to read more of your books!

Bryan Davis said...

Thank you. I'm glad you're enjoying them.