Sunday, September 30, 2012

Tour Event Announcement for October 1

Big announcement for our event in Puyallup, Washington, Monday from 5 pm to 7 pm, Pacific Time. Darren Thomas, producer of our potential film for Raising Dragons, will be joining us via Skype. He will be providing an update regarding progress on getting a film made. Join us at the event or through the Internet.

Here is the live streaming link -


Anonymous said...

Really? That's so cool! I hope that if/when a movie is made, that it's top quality, because that's exactly what your books deserve! Anything less wouldn't do justice.

Rach said...

Hi. I was wondering how I could sign up to read your book(s) and then write a review for them that's then found in the beginning of the book? I really like all of your books, especially DIOM and OOF, and now Children of the Bard. :)

Fidelia said...

Sounds great! But for those of us that aren't able to listen in, could you put the update on this site too? Thanks.
