Thursday, August 20, 2009

For those who grieve

How many times have you been to a funeral or heard about a death and had no idea what to say to the bereaved? It has happened to me more times than I can count. Try as I might, there really isn't much to say that can soothe such a deep ache or fill a hole in a soul that feels like a bottomless pit. In fact, I remember one instance when I said something that would surely win me the award for "Stupidest Comment Ever Uttered." I should have made a trophy for myself of a donkey wearing a dunce cap.

Because of my own journey with issues of death, grief, and emotional expression, I wrote I Know Why the Angels Dance. It's the story of a father who loves but doesn't know how to express his love, and when he is thrown into situations in which he has to be a comforting friend, he learns how far short his efforts come. Tragedy begets sorrow, and dealing with that sorrow in clumsy ways begets strife and turmoil. Then, the greatest tragedy of all strikes, and he is woefully unprepared.

Yet, there is a solace, a salve of comfort, and this father learns to find it in a way he never expected.

Because of this book, I now have a way to help the grieving. I will weep with those who weep and give them a copy of the book. It will be my way of letting them know that although I have no idea what to say, I truly want them to find the comfort that only the Lord Himself can provide. It is a quiet gift of surrender in that we are but those who can merely weep and cry out to the true comforter, the Holy Spirit of God.

In order to demonstrate my own desire to position this book as a gift, I am donating all royalties to charitable causes, including (at least for now) World Vision and Voice of the Martyrs. May God do what He will with this revenue stream.

You can pre-order the book from Amazon,, or from me at the links below.

Click here for Amazon
Click here to order from me
Click below to order from

578408: I Know Why the Angels DanceI Know Why the Angels Dance

By Bryan Davis

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Do you want an author visit in your area?

I will soon be setting up my appearance schedule for the coming school year. If you want me to come to your school, homeschool group, church group, book club, writers' group, etc, here are the issues.

If I can get enough events in an area in which I can offer books for sale, I can come for free. That means I will need help from a local person so I can get contacts and events scheduled to make the journey worthwhile. If you want me to come, and you can help me get the contacts, we can work on it.

I will come to an area for one event if the event sponsor will provide travel expenses. I don't charge a speaking fee, but I would like the opportunity to sell books.

For a local event (western Tennessee or northern Mississippi), I will come and speak for free. Again, I would like the opportunity to sell books.

Click Here for an online brochure you can use in order to communicate what I do when I come to speak.

Any questions or comments? Post it here, or send me an email. My address is in the brochure.

It won't help much if you post a comment that just says, "Can you come to (fill in the blank)?" What I'm looking for is help in putting together the specific places and contacts to actually get a trip organized.

Thank you!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Book Trailer for Dragons in our Midst

Here is a book trailer a reader did for Dragons in our Midst.

Click Here for the Youtube link.

This doesn't mean a movie is being made soon. It's an independent trailer created by a reader.

Saturday, August 08, 2009

I Know Why the Angels Dance Review

Click Here for a great review of I Know Why the Angels Dance, my new novel coming in September.

You can pre-order an autographed copy from me by clicking here, or you can order from at the link below.

578408: I Know Why the Angels DanceI Know Why the Angels Dance

By Bryan Davis

Saturday, August 01, 2009

Do You Use Accelerated Reader?

If your school or group uses Accelerated Reader, I have great news for you. All four books in Dragons in our Midst, all four books in Oracles of Fire, and the first book in the Echoes from the Edge series, Beyond the Reflection's Edge, are available in the Accelerated Reader program from Renaissance Learning.

Please tell your school librarian about this so you can take the quizzes and get credit for reading the books. If you know anyone who might be interested in this news, please pass it along.

Here are the quiz numbers:

Raising Dragons – Quiz number 102026
The Candlestone – Quiz number 102027
Circles of Seven – Quiz number 102025
Tears of a Dragon - Quiz number 105195
Eye of the Oracle - Quiz number 111687
Enoch's Ghost - Quiz number 118820
Last of the Nephilim - Quiz number 128148
The Bones of Makaidos - Quiz number 131064
Beyond the Reflection's Edge - Quiz number 128022