Monday, February 22, 2010

A Cool Award

I heard yesterday that I won an award--entry into the Darrell Awards Hall of Fame. Check it out by clicking here.

This is a secular award, so maybe my books will get into the hands of people who would like some spiritual input.


Sir Guy said...

UNBELIEVEABLE!!! Woohoo! That is beyond great! How did they find your books if this is a secular award?

Bryan Davis said...

A person who goes to their convention every year told them about my work.

Araken said...

Ooh, nifty...

Gwendolyn said...

That's wonderful; praise the Maker! =D Tis good that they recognize a master...

I have the disc with the MAsters & Slayers song on it. Now to simply get it mailed. ^_^

Bryan Davis said...

Thank you, Gwendolyn. I will look forward to getting the CD.