Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Settling In

First of all, if anyone has tried to e-mail me at my dragonsinourmidst.com address, and it didn't go through, please try again. During my move, I had to change web servers, so I lost e-mail contact for a few days.

We are now in Winter Park and adjusting to life here. I'm trying to finish book #4 in the series, so this message will be short, and further additions to the blog will be sporadic. I also have some kind of flu today, so I'm not functioning well.

If you are so inclined, please pray for me. I would appreciate it very much.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Storms of Life

Can you believe it? A new tropical storm has developed, and, at the very least, it will bring us heavy rain here in Central Florida. The state was hit by five tropical systems last year, and now we're getting a sideswipe by another one less than two weeks into the season. Storms in Florida are becoming so common, when we see one on satellite pictures, we can almost bank on it coming to the Sunshine State.

Arlene isn't likely to devastate hundreds or thousands of homes as did our murderers row of Bonnie, Charley, Frances, Jeanne, and Ivan last year, but she will be a reminder of what we suffered and survived. And we did much better than some. The people of Haiti were swamped by Jeanne. Thousands died and many more were left homeless.

Will Arlene's winds bring in a rush of anxiety? Maybe. The stores will likely be packed again with jittery people buying plywood, generators, and flashlight batteries. But will our society turn and trust God for protection and comfort? Not likely. Call me a pessimist, but I think it will take much more than weather events to bring our nation to its knees.

As a nation, we murder babies and pay for it with our taxes. We sanction sexual perversion and teach it in our government schools. We wink at rampant fornication and adultery, even laughing at comical portrayals of sin on television, calling it entertainment. We dress our little girls like harlots, or at least allow them to dress that way, teaching them that its cool to strut their stuff, even in church. And when we protest, we are called Puritanical, old-fashioned, behind-the-times, or legalists ... even in church.

What will bring a change? I shudder to think of the storms that will eventually break the will of our stiff-necked people. Will it be financial collapse? A dictatorial takeover? Widespread famine or disease? I don't know what these storms will be named. But I dare say that they will come. We can bank on it.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Embracing Change - Part 2

I mentioned a couple of months ago that quite a few changes were on the horizon. I guess it's time to let you know some of them. After over eleven years of living in our Apopka FL, home, we will be moving to Winter Park, FL. Moving will be especially traumatic for our three youngest, two of whom have never lived anywhere else. We will rent a house for one year while we decide where to live on a more permanent basis.

Also, three of our offspring will be moving away from home during the next three months. Our oldest two, James and Josiah, are seeking an apartment to share. In August, our oldest daughter, will be moving to Hillsdale, Michigan, where she will go to college.

Caleb, our fourth-born, plans to play for the Winter Park High School orchestra. He will still be homeschooled, but he will be able to try out for the group anyway. We're confident he'll have no trouble getting in.

I also expect to make an announcement regarding future publishing opportunities that might mean some more changes are on the horizon. We'll see.

Please pray for us as we face the coming days of change and adjustment, especially for our children as we uproot them and try to resettle them in a new world.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005


I guess a good blogger should post more frequently than I've been posting lately. All I've done in the past month is add a comment to my Harry Potter criticism. Alas! So much to do!

I have been traveling the country on a book tour, visiting schools, churches, and bookstores in Atlanta, Chattanooga, Grand Rapids, Boston, and Seattle/Tacoma. It has been a long, hard haul, and I'm finally home. But now I have to buckle down and finish the fourth book in the Dragons in our Midst series, "Tears of a Dragon," so I'm not sure how often I'll be able to post.

The tour went very well. I spoke to hundreds of students, sold and signed several hundred books, and met lots of great people along the way. It was well worth the effort. I hope to go back to some of these cities, but I also want to visit new ones. If anyone out there can help me make good contacts (i.e. schools, churches, and bookstores), I would be glad to consider visiting your area.