Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Contest Quiz Two Part Four

I will now give part four of quiz number two. If you didn't solve the first three parts, please read the explanation of the contest here before you try this. Remember that from one part to the next, the decoding method doesn't start over. Pick up the code where you left off at the end of the previous section.

Please send the decoded words from these paragraphs. When you attach them to the words from the previous three parts of the quiz, the combined words will create instructions to follow.

First send me the decoded words for this part of the quiz. Please let me know that you are answering Quiz #2 Part 4. Then, when you follow the instructions that the entire quiz creates, which could take quite a bit of time, send me the results of following the instructions in a separate email. Label that message Quiz #2 Final Instructions.

Send your answer to bryan (at) dragonsinourmidst (dot) com

The first three to answer correctly Quiz #2 Part 4 will get twenty points, and everyone else who answers correctly will get fifteen points.

The first five to give me correct results for Quiz #2 Final Instructions will get fifty points, and everyone else who answers correctly will get forty points.

Here is the new part--two paragraphs:

Answer me this. Do pieces of music that a person loves determine what that anyone might do when confronting a steppingstone in his life? Sometimes adjustments have to be made, and those who love waltzes are often rabidly dancing through changes high on the agenda. Flying as high as an astronaut, they oversee these changes with skill and compensate with ease.

Please answer the final question politely. Even unknowing, you might activate sadness that dwells latently within, thou it wouldn’t be a Manitou, a spirit renegade, or something else that we can’t apprehend. Those belong to the myths of yesteryear. If you are a protester regarding these radical thoughts, then sorry. The code has ended.

Have fun!


Anonymous said...

Wow that was really fun! Hard and definately frustrating at times but really cool and creative!

Anonymous said...

That was allot of fun!

Did you add my 40 points yet?