Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Bones of Makaidos - Top Speculative Fiction of 2009 List

The Bones of Makaidos has been included on Christian Fiction blog’s top speculative fiction of 2009 list.

Click here to see the list.

Sale on I Know Why the Angels Dance - Ends at New Year's

I am putting I Know Why the Angels Dance on sale until the end of 2009. For the next three days, you can buy it for $9 plus shipping. This is a great time to try the book or to purchase one for a friend.

Click here to take advantage of this sale.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas - Family Christmas Card

I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas with family and friends.

Here is a link to my family’s Christmas card: http://www.dragonsinourmidst.com/ChristmasCard2009.pdf

It’s set up to print out like a card and to be folded, so the left half of the first page is page four, and the right half is page one. The second page make up pages 2 and 3.

Merry Christmas from the Davis family.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Angels Dance Reviews

If you have read I Know Why the Angels Dance, please let me know by posting a comment here and telling me what you thought of it. If you know of someone else who has read it and benefited, please let me know that as well.

Don't forget, I have a contest going on to help promote this book. Read more about it by clicking here.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Starlighter Price Decrease

I heard from Zondervan today that the list price for Starlighter will be $9.99. That's a great deal for a novel of this length (between 300 and 400 pages). Because of this, I have reduced my price to $10 (the autograph is worth something, right?), and you can pre-order at that price now. Click here for my Starlighter ordering page.

Starlighter is the first book in the Dragons of Starlight series and will release in April of 2010. For more information on this book go to my blog post by clicking here. And click here for a video trailer.

Friday, December 11, 2009

The Gift that Gives Forever

I posted this before, but it's worth repeating. If you're looking for an inexpensive gift that could reap eternal benefit for others, continue reading this note.

I am offering a five-copy package of I Know Why the Angels Dance for $45, including shipping. That's only $9 each, delivered, which is pretty much my cost.

As many of you know, I am donating proceeds from this book to charitable causes, so I'm not trying to make a profit. I am trusting that the books will be put in the hands of people who will benefit from its message of hope.

If you'll click here, you can take advantage of this offer.

If you want them for Christmas, there is still time, but you'll need to order soon.

Bryan Teaching at a Writers Conference

Are you interested in learning more about the craft of writing? Would you like to have me as your teacher?

If you answer yes to either question, you should check out the Florida Christian Writers' Conference. Click Here.

I will be teaching the teen track there, meaning that aspiring writers who happen to be in their teen years will be my students. That doesn't mean that only teens can come to my track. It's just that we work hard and move quickly, so some adults can't keep up :-)

Seriously, adults who are young at heart are welcome to join us.

Whether you want to join my class or not, if you're interested in an intensive few days of writing training and interaction with publishing house representatives and published authors, you might find the conference to be a valuable investment. This is the conference where I got my start. I met my publishing editor there, and that launched my career as an author.

The conference also has a blog. Click Here.

If you have any questions after reading the conference websites, please post a comment. I hope to see you there!

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Contest to Promote I Know Why the Angels Dance

Since I Know Why the Angels Dance is my first novel for adults, it's not very well known yet. I hope you will help me get it publicized. Here is my idea.

The first 75 contestants who get ten people to order this book from me will receive one of the following prizes:

1. All four Dragons in our Midst MP3 audio books (10 available)
2. All four Oracles of Fire MP3 audio books (10 available)
3. The Bones of Makaidos (Paperback book) (5 available)
4. Dragons in our Midst posters. All four book covers on posters. (25 sets available)
5. Oracles of Fire posters. All four book covers on posters. (25 sets available)

If you want to participate, email me bryan (at) daviscrossing (dot) com, and I will send you a unique promotional code. That code can be entered by the purchaser in the web page for ordering - http://www.daviscrossing.com/angelspromo.htm Click here to see the page.

If someone uses that promotional code to order the book, he or she will get a two dollar refund on the purchase for each book ordered, and the contestant will get credit for each copy of the book ordered. When that promotional code gets ten books credited, the contestant will receive one of the prizes. The contestant will have to choose from whatever prize supply is remaining. I will inform the contestant by email when he or she has won a prize.

Once I run out of prizes, the contest will be finished, and I won't be able to award any further prizes, so working quickly will help you be one of the first 75.

When you receive your promotional code, you can promote the book through email, Facebook, Myspace, etc, as well as by posting a notice in your church. Here is sample text.

Please help me promote a wonderful new book by author Bryan Davis. I Know Why the Angels Dance is a contemporary novel that delves into one of the great struggles of our existence, the mystery of death and the afterlife. It is a Christian novel for adults and teens that is filled with emotion, passion, and spiritual insight, a great gift for anyone who needs a glimpse of light and hope.

The author is contributing all royalties to charitable groups, so this isn't a sales pitch for him. It's a way to spread a message of love and life. If you go to this web page - http://www.daviscrossing.com/angelspromo.htm - you can enter a promotional code to get two dollars off the $12 price. Here is the code - (Put your code here)

If you will forward this message to others or post it on any social network pages you have, I would appreciate it.

For more information, go to http://www.iknowwhytheangelsdance.com
I will look forward to hearing from those who want to participate. If you have any questions, feel free to post them in comments.

Monday, December 07, 2009

An Advent Poem

Joseph's Choice
Bryan Davis

A stone, O Joseph, cast a stone;
Obey the law she must have known.
A pregnant girl cannot deny
Her pose of virtue shouts a lie.

We stand beside you, stones in hand;
Just say the word to rid our land
Of harlots soiling God’s good name
By saying Yahweh is to blame.

O son of David, close your ears
To angry shouts that feed your fears,
For mercy calls with heaven’s breath
To rescue her from bloody death.

Believe her words; she tells no lie.
This virgin birth is prophesied.
Conceived by God is this new life;
Embrace her, take her as your wife.

Then Joseph looks upon his bride
Lamenting, sobbing at his side;
A stone in hand, the judge prepares;
Decide for wrath or grace to spare?

The law is clear, the sinner dies.
Yet who can judge with perfect eyes
This weeping girl who serves so well
And claims to bear Immanuel?

Believe a dream, an angel’s song?
Or trust the scribes and screaming throng?
Choose life and suffer scornful men?
Or death and never sleep again?

Again he looks at stone in hand,
A piece of rubble from the land;
It speaks of law, unyielding walls,
And spurns the sound of mercy’s calls.

While Mary weeps in sorrow’s gloom,
She carries grace within her womb,
The stone who comes to set men free,
A rock, a fount of liberty.

Then Joseph drops the stone from hell
And sets his hands on Mary’s swell.
“Believing you,” he says with tears,
“The only choice that wrests my fears.”

“And now I hold this stone of grace
Within a vessel fair of face;
I know you bring the Law of love
Who comes to us from God above.”

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Christmas Book Deals

Just in time for Christmas, I am putting some books on sale.

Raising Dragons - $9
Beyond the Reflection's Edge - $8
Eternity's Edge - $8
All three Echoes from the Edge books - $25

Autographed copies of any of these books would make a great, long-lasting gift.

Click here for my shopping page.

Live Internet Radio Show

I will be on an Internet radio program called "Aging Outside the Box" on Thursday, December 3, at 6:00 pm central time. It is a one-hour show.

Click Here for the live audio.

Here is the call-in number: 1-323-203-0815

Here is the email address for communicating during the show: Host@agingoutsidethebox.net

I hope a bunch of you can tune in and either call or email the show.

Monday, November 30, 2009

New Audio Book Packages = Great Deal

The Dragons in our Midst and Oracles of Fire MP3 audio books are now available in complete sets at a great price. I have them in stock, so if you order soon, you will get them in plenty of time before Christmas.

MP3 audio disks will run on your computer as well as on some newer CD players. You can copy them to an iPod or other MP3 player or burn them to regular CD's.

The Dragons in our Midst audio books feature multiple actors and actresses speaking the various character roles while the Oracles of Fire audio books include a single narrator, Peter Sandon, who does an excellent job with the various voices.

Dragons in our Midst - All four MP3 audio books for $17 plus $3 shipping, Click Here

Oracles of Fire - All four MP3 audio books for $17 plus $3 shipping, Click Here

Monday, November 23, 2009

Starlighter Pre-Order - Great Deal

Christianbook.com has a great pre-order deal for Starlighter - only $7.99!

You can get that sale price at the link below:

718369: Starlighter, SoftcoverStarlighter, Softcover

By Bryan Davis / Zondervan

Jason Masters doubts the stories he's heard about humans being taken to another realm and enslaved by dragons---until his brother disappears! Once through the legendary portal, he joins forces with a prisoner named Koren who's trying to destroy the "black egg of doom." Can they rescue the captives and save two worlds from destruction? 400 pages, softcover from Zondervan.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Starlighter Video Trailer

Here is the video trailer for Starlighter, book #1 in the Dragons of Starlight series, releasing from Zondervan in April of 2010.

For the Youtube link, click here.

Monday, November 16, 2009

More Audio Books in CD Format

My Dragons in our Midst and Oracles of Fire audio books have been available in MP3 disk format for quite a while. Now all eight books are available in traditional CD format, so they will play on any CD player. These would make a great Christmas gift for fans of the two series, and at only $20 for each book ($25 for The Bones of Makaidos), they are a bargain.

Click on the following book titles to see the audio book purchasing options:

Raising Dragons
The Candlestone
Circles of Seven
Tears of a Dragon
Eye of the Oracle
Enoch's Ghost
Last of the Nephilim
The Bones of Makaidos

Check out my shopping page for all my books. An autographed book makes for a unique Christmas gift. And all the dragons books are now available in hardcover, so they will last for many years.

Back from the UK

I apologize for not updating my blog in so long. I have been in England, Scotland, and Wales, visiting historic sites with one of my daughters. We had a good time, but now I'm glad to be home and getting back to work on writing projects.

I am working on my publisher's edits to Starlighter, and then I will get back to the second young adult book in the Dragons of Starlight series, Inner Starlight.

If time permits, I will post some photos from the trip to the UK.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Saturday Bookstore Event on the Web

I am going to attempt to broadcast my Saturday (October 31) book signing event, from noon to 3 pm Eastern time. I will be speaking at 1 pm, probably for about half an hour. The rest of the time, I will be signing books and talking to customers. I hope you will interact via the web.

Click here for the live streaming link.

I Know Why the Angels Dance now in stock at CBD

My newest book, I Know Why the Angels Dance, is now in stock at Christianbook.com.

Click here for the link.

I hope you get an opportunity to buy and read the book soon. Thank you for your support.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

"Angels" in stock at Amazon

I Know Why the Angels Dance is now in stock at Amazon.com. Click Here to go to the Amazon page.

The book release was two months late, so I appreciate your patience. I'm sure it will begin showing up in stores very soon. Please do me a favor and ask your local store to stock it.

Echoes from the Edge - Get the word out

I heard yesterday from a bookstore that one of the main complaints the manager hears about my books is that they come out too slowly. My inner response is one of surprise, because I have published twelve novels since June of 2004. I realize that some authors are more prolific than that, but considering the size of some of my novels, I think they're coming out a pretty good pace. Quite a few popular authors are much slower, so I'm probably in the middle of the pack for speed.

One of the problems is that many readers don't know about all my books. I see proof of that when readers write to me saying, "I love your Dragons in our Midst and Oracles of Fire series. When are you going to come out with another book?" And they have no idea that I already have three more books in the Echoes from the Edge trilogy. Then, when they read those books they write back and tell me how much they enjoyed the stories, and wonder, "Why don't more people know about them?"

I wish I knew the answer to that final question. I think anyone who enjoyed my dragons books will enjoy these as well. With Christmas shopping time getting close, maybe you'll consider checking out the first book in the series, Beyond the Reflection's Edge. Click Here for a link that will tell you more about the book, and you'll find another link there that will allow you to read the first chapter.

Teachers, these books are on the Accelerated Reader list, so they will be a great addition for your school's library.

You can buy an autographed copy of the first book for only $10 at this link, or the entire set for $27 at this link.

Those of you who have already read these books and enjoyed them, please do me a favor and spread the word. As always, I appreciate your support.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Creative Writing Coach - Andy Meisenheimer

Former Zondervan editor Andy Meisenheimer and his wife are offering creative writing coaching.

This is a great opportunity for homeschoolers or anyone who wants truly professional guidance in writing. Andy knows his stuff, so if you have a notion to seek out a coach or a mentor, check out his web page by clicking here.

Free Copy of "Angels" for Grief Counselors

If you know a person who provides grief counseling on a regular basis, and you would like to give that person a copy of I Know Why the Angels Dance, I will send it to you free of charge (as long as my supply lasts).

Such counselors would include pastors, funeral home workers, hospice counselors, hospital critical care workers, or any other occupation that qualifies.

If you would like to participate, then write to me bryan (at) dragonsinourmidst (dot) com and tell me about the person you have in mind. I will send the book to you so that you can give it to the counselor. I don't want to send it directly to that person myself. It should be a gift from you so that the grief counselor knows that you are recommending it.

I will look forward to seeing how many people wish to bless others with this book.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Making the Angels Dance

Now that I Know Why the Angels Dance has been released, I have been thinking about the people to whom I will be giving copies. Since this book will be of great help and comfort to those who are in tragic circumstances or in grief, these are on my list so far:

Funeral directors
Grief counselors
Christian School Principals

And I will always have some on hand for when I hear about the death of a friend or the friend of a friend.

Can you think of others who would benefit? Post your ideas for me in a comment.

Once you read this book, I think you'll understand how beneficial it will be for anyone who is hurting because of loss. That's why I am offering the book for sale at a quantity discount for gift-giving.

If you'll click here, you can buy five copies for $45, including shipping. That's only $9 each, delivered, which is pretty much my cost. As many of you know, I am donating proceeds from this book to charitable causes, so I'm not trying to make a profit. I am trusting that the books will be put in the hands of people who will benefit from its message of hope.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

"Angels" is Here!

I have received my copies of I Know Why the Angels Dance. What a beautiful book!

Getting a new book is always an exciting experience for me. Opening the box, knowing what's inside, is like Christmas as a child, and holding the crisp new volume provides a thrill. May God bless this new offering.

I am mailing out pre-orders for this book today as well as some giveaways to friends and family. If you want a copy, you may order it by clicking here, and I will send it out as soon as possible.

It's not in stores yet, but it should be there soon, maybe a week or so, depending on where you live. Do me a favor. Call your bookstore, and ask them to order it. This isn't my usual genre, so some bookstores might not be planning to stock it.

If you want to know more about the book, please click here. If you read it, please let me know what you think.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Various Updates

The release of I Know Why the Angels Dance has been delayed by another week. I had announced that it would be at the publisher's warehouse by October 9. Now it is supposed to be there by October 16. That means the book should be in stores by the end of the month. Thank you for your patience.

I am currently working on the second young adult book in the Dragons of Starlight series. My working title is Inner Starlight. I'm hoping to make it even more thrilling than the first, and that will be a challenge.

I will be visiting Thornburg Middle School in Fredericksburg, Virginia, during the morning classes on October 30, and Fredericksburg Christian Lower School during the afternoon. If you want to hear one of my talks, call the school to obtain permission. I have found that schools usually welcome visitors for such events.

Don't forget that I will be at the His Way Bookstore in Ellicott City, Maryland, on October 31 from 12 noon to 3 pm. If you live in the area, I hope you can come out and see me.

Monday, October 05, 2009

Why Fantasy?

I wrote a version of the following essay a few years ago, so some of you might have read it back then. This one is updated with a few changes and added defenses for the helpfulness of fantasy in teaching spiritual truths. You can find it in a printable form by clicking here.

Fantasy and the Heart of a Child
by Bryan Davis

“Daddy, can I have a sword for my birthday?”

Many parents have heard such a call from little boys who feel the drive to raise a weapon of defense and protection. It starts early, because it is inherent in their make-up. Boys and girls alike possess a God-given drive to do great things, and a wise parent understands how to feed such internal hunger, by providing wholesome stories of the fantastic, tales of heroes and heroines that promote judicious development of a child’s budding dreams.

The proof of this drive is easy to see. Watch boys play. Their imaginative games send them tromping from yard to yard, jumping hedges to attack the enemy, rolling for cover behind the doghouse, and sending Orcs to their doom in the sand pit, the evil uglies squealing in dismay at the brave little heroes and their gleaming weapons. This is their youthful journey, part of their training to be heroes.

Maybe a boy’s yearning began at the mall when he walked by the huge movie posters depicting a tale of brave hobbits and a golden ring of power. A blue-eyed Frodo stared into his eyes, hypnotizing him with images of bravery and heroism. A gaggle of young girls gathered around another poster featuring a bespectacled young wizard and his magical schoolmates. Or maybe it began earlier, deep in the heart of his mother’s womb as a seed of heroism was implanted in his soul, an instinctive urge to do battle against evil and defend the helpless against the enslaving powers of corruption. He was called to be something more than what he could see with his eyes, a warrior greater than the weak heroes portrayed in the media. He sought another world, a world in the realms of the fantastic.

Why does the world of fantasy mesmerize our youth? The movie industry certainly has taken note. And bookstore shelves bend with hundreds of volumes filled with battle lore from ancient times, even from distant galaxies, heroes and heroines struggling and finally conquering in whatever quests their conjurers create.

These fantastic stories involve our children’s minds so much that they discuss their content in depth, memorize the spoken lines, and even learn new languages never uttered in any real culture. But how do these stories capture the hearts of young people? Is it simply the fun and frivolity of escapism? Or does the answer lie deep in their longing hearts?

We have within us a craving, a deep desire to commune with a power greater than our own, yet many of us crawl along in life without even a glimpse of our hidden passion. There has to be a reason for living. There must be a Camelot, a hidden Utopia where we can rest from our personal campaigns. Fantasy opens our eyes to a better place, a shining city we do not yet know. And the stories provide a mental bridge as we pursue horizons we could never distinguish with our physical eyes.

Young people are especially aware of fantasy’s alluring call. Boys and girls, still unjaded and brimming with ideals, feel their God-given programming. From my experience as a father of seven and as an author who receives e-mails from young people all over the world, it seems to me that boys and girls manifest two distinct kinds of programming. I realize these stereotypes are not universally accepted, but many boys seem to be wired as protectors, heroes if need be. Girls often gravitate toward being wise counselors and strategists, skilled in everything that is less brutish, while willing to be cunning warriors if their male counterparts fall.

When a young man watches a wide screen and sees a hero draw steel from scabbard, displaying a bright, sharp sword as his biceps bulge, the boy feels valor, the bravery of a knight. He becomes the champion he has never been, copying the role model he may have never witnessed in real life. When the hero mounts his steed and charges bravely into conflict, a boy feels his heart race, his blood pumping hot. He rides the horse, too, not knowing why his spirit has attached to that rugged man on the screen, why his mind has pulled him into the saddle. Does the child know that he, too, was built to charge the battlements, to defend the weak, to conquer evil?

When a young lady sees a heroine work behind the scenes to prepare reinforcements, persuade the powers that be to send troops, or kindle the fire in quavering hearts, she feels her inner calling. When the heroine crashes a jar over the villain’s head to save her fallen hero, a girl’s heart leaps. The courageous young lady has used whatever strength she had, at risk of her own life, to prevent disaster. Without her, all would have been lost.

In our culture, where do we see such heroism, the living out of these dramatic stories of knights, maidens, and villains? Nobility has vanished. Virtue and heroism have faded with the silhouette of the last champion riding off into the sunset. It seems that too many men seek only monetary ends while too many women crave vanity.

Yet, our children are seeking something more, something worthwhile, something that lasts forever. If they can’t find nobility in the hearts of their parents, truth in the words of their teachers, or virtue in the so-called heroes of our times, they turn to internal fantasies. As Richard Abanes wrote, “We obtain comfort by seeing evil unmasked, condemned and destroyed. We are offered hope through being shown that at least somewhere, even if it is in another world, good has triumphed.”1 And there are many authors and Hollywood producers who are willing to give children the images they crave—some for good, and some that leave much to be desired.

Some parents, who are commendably cautious, worry that approving fantasy tales promotes the idea that it’s okay to learn from a lie. Yet, they misunderstand the role of a myth. Fantasy is not a lie, because it doesn’t pretend to be true. It is a vision, the mind’s dramatic sketch of what we were meant to be. Good fantasy is a blend of survival and worship. It demonstrates faith, hope, and love--the three abiding gifts--wielded in integrity and nobility, and illustrated in ways that readers will never forget. As author Terry Pratchett wrote, “Let there be goblin hordes, let there be terrible environmental threats, let there be giant mutated slugs if you really must, but let there also be Hope. It may be a grim, thin hope, an Arthurian sword at sunset, but let us know that we do not live in vain.”2

Other parents wonder why fantasy is useful. Why should we read it? We live these qualities, so our children see nobility and honor in our lives, and we teach the precepts of the Bible, so they understand faith, hope, and love. Why fantasy?

Such parents are wise in their dual pursuit—teaching from the Holy Word and showing the truth by example. Their children are blessed. Yet, it’s interesting that Jesus taught in at least three ways. He certainly taught from the Scriptures and by example, and He added a third method, storytelling. And these stories sometimes contained fantasy elements, amazing details that stayed in the memories of His listeners—a camel passing through the eye of a needle and a rich man and a poor man viewing each other across a great void. Not only that, the miracles Jesus performed were fantasy stories made real, and the lessons He taught through those miracles will not soon be forgotten by those who beheld them.

By following Jesus’ example, parents have an opportunity to add a great tool to their teaching arsenal, fantasy stories that create lasting images to which children can relate. A boy can see himself drawing a sword, gazing at his fingers wrapped around a battle-worn hilt and following shimmering steel upward to the razor-sharp point. His eyes go from earth to heaven, first meditating on his limited strength, then raising his thoughts to the skies, and considering the God who fashioned every muscle he is about to use, every neuron in his system that will send messages from mind to muscle as he charges to carry out His will.

Many a girl realizes early in her life that she is the earthly reason for a man’s charge into danger. Without her, man’s resolve wilts, his heart quakes, his sword fails. She is his support, reminding him of the goal, building up his courage, even rallying to his aid should he be dashed to the ground by his enemies.

Fantasy is a catalyst for change, a change for good and not for evil. Strangely enough, fantasy lives to bring an end to itself. If our culture would reflect the values that good fantasy delivers, fantasy would no longer reflect the genre’s name; it would be commonplace, lacking allure. Yet, making such a drastic change in this troubled world doesn’t seem realistic. In our culture, it can seem heroic just to work for an honest living, lobby Congress for ethical laws, or volunteer to help rebuild a hurricane-ravaged area. These are good, honest deeds and should be held up as honorable activities, yet it’s hard to translate these works into the exciting images that fantasy portrays. And for most of us, our everyday lives--often comfortable and lacking danger--are too mundane to compete with our children’s fertile imaginations.

In many homes, children often see cheating, lying, and adultery in weak-minded fathers and mothers who seek after their own pleasures. Is it any wonder they try to escape to another world that gives so much more? The heroes they have been called to be are imprisoned, unable to live freely because there is no model, no inspiration that gives life and breath to their dreams.

Boys are looking to take the sword and discover the man they feel in their hearts. Girls seek a heroine, longing for someone to imitate, a true lady cast in the image they see beyond the mirror.
We have enough in media of flawed heroes, characters who are the so-called “honest” or “realistic” portrayals of humanity. Children see these fraudulent heroes every day, straw soldiers, easily blown, easily burned. Harboring inner evil they can’t seem to conquer, these characters raise no real cry of victory, only a never-ending lament.

We have an opportunity to create strong soldiers by using the power of story, even through the pages of the impossible. If parents will allow fantasy its proper place, as an inspiration toward heroism, allowing powerful images to create positive models in children’s minds, they will create home-grown heroes who will build and display integrity and virtue.

Working together, we can use this genre to capture hearts and minds with champions of virtue, images that will reach in and ignite the flame, setting free the heroes or heroines that God has implanted in the hearts of children. That’s why I have chosen to allow my children to embrace the images that fantasy creates. I want to grow heroes.

1 - Richard Abanes, Fantasy and Your Family (Camp Hill, PA: Christian Publications, Inc., 2002), 21.

2 - Terry Pratchett, “When the Children Read Fantasy” [on-line], July 28, 1999. Concatenation (1994). February 12, 2003. Available from :http://www.concatenation.org/articles/pratchett.html.

Friday, October 02, 2009

Book Signing Event in Ellicott City, Maryland

I will be signing books at the His Way Bookstore in Ellicott City, Maryland, on Saturday, October 31, from noon until 3:00 pm. The store will have all my books on hand, and I will be glad to sign books you already own.

This will be the first official book signing event for the release of I Know Why the Angels Dance.

Even if you can't come, if you know someone in the area who might be interested, please pass the information along.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Review of I Know Why the Angels Dance

Here is a link to a new review of I Know Why the Angels Dance: Click Here

This book will be out in the next couple of weeks. I am looking forward to seeing how God uses it to bring comfort to hurting souls.

You can pre-order from me by Clicking Here, or you can choose one of the links below.

Click here for Amazon

Click below to order from Christianbook.com

578408: I Know Why the Angels DanceI Know Why the Angels Dance

By Bryan Davis

Monday, September 28, 2009

A Simple Contest

From now until the end of October, anyone ordering I Know Why the Angels Dance from me will be entered into a drawing for a free copy of Starlighter when it comes out.

Here is the link for ordering: Click Here

If you ordered it from me and want to be included in the contest, post a comment here.

You might want to order multiple copies to have on hand as gifts to those who are grieving. After reading this book, you will understand its value for those who need spiritual comfort. As a reminder, I am donating all royalties to charitable causes.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

I Know Why the Angels Dance Release

I Know Why the Angels Dance will be at the publisher's warehouse by October 9, so it should be in stores within a couple of weeks after that. There were several reasons for the delay, including a new cover design. I'm glad everything has been resolved, and I'm looking forward to the release.

Now is a good time to order online at one of the links below. This book will be a great gift for friends and family in grief situations, so it might be a good idea to keep a couple of copies on hand.

As I have stated before, I am donating all royalties to charitable causes, including (at this time) World Vision and Voice of the Martyrs.

Would you like a preview? Click Here to read the first chapter.

Please help me spread the news about this book.

Click Here for the book's website (in development).

Click here
for a recent review of I Know Why the Angels Dance

Click here for Amazon
Click here to order from me
Click below to order from Christianbook.com

578408: I Know Why the Angels DanceI Know Why the Angels Dance

By Bryan Davis

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A Charge for Young Men

A Charge to Young Men
by Bryan Davis
Click here for a pdf version

Whether you love books or broadswords, as a young man you are wired for greatness. You want to take a step above the norm and rise high above mediocrity. You desire excellence in all things. From head to heart, you want to be a knight in shining armor.

As a knight, your weapons and armor are many and varied—wisdom from above, unblinking courage, a rock-like steadfastness of spirit, unshakable faith, and swords both physical and spiritual. No matter which weapon you choose, make sure you are battle-ready, trained for the conflicts that lie ahead. This training requires discipline of body, mind, and soul, so that your righteousness through Jesus Christ will shine and never fade.

If you embrace this passion and put it into practice, you will be a bright light in a culture that prefers dimness. Some will be drawn to your light, to your high standards, because they feel within themselves a calling to be more than they are now. Others will be repelled, because they cannot stand the thought that someone is mounting the summit while they have chosen a lower path. These might try to drag you down.

In either case, your example will stand firm. You will lift up those who reach out for help, and you will resist those who try to pull you into their mire. You will be a hero to those needing a champion, and you will be unblemished though detractors hurl invectives.

God is the power behind your steadfastness, and His standards are the code that guides your behavior. Many have marched this path before you. Your foundation has been built with the bricks of men who are unafraid to flex their muscles and is held together by the mortar of masculine courage. With faith in God’s promises, you can follow that code. You can change the world.

How? By living the standard. You will tell the truth in a world of lies, remain loyal in a land of betrayal, and work faithfully in a culture of excuses. Even your friends might think you are overzealous, and in this zeal you might stand alone. Yet your peculiar faithfulness makes you trustworthy, even in the eyes of pretenders. Your loyalty is unquestioned, even among the unfaithful. If a lie of expediency whispers its desire to be told, a horde of lesser men will stampede to tell it. Not you. To speak a falsehood is to spew poison, and you will not allow a drop of venom to leave your tongue, even if offered the treasure of Solomon or threatened with death.

Our culture celebrates the lie. It laughs at the deceptive antics of bumbling fools on television. It elects politicians who tell the most convincing fables. It winks at “white lies” that allow a man to skip an annoying meeting or avoid a tiresome caller by saying, “Oh, I can’t talk to him right now. Tell him I’m out to lunch.”

And with one shady statement, this man falls from being a knight to being a knave. He thinks he’s running with the big dogs, but he’s really wallowing with the pigs.

Although there will always be someone willing to accuse you of wrongdoing, you must be careful never to give your enemies a real reason to question your character. You are called to be a beacon fueled by true purity. You are to reflect to the world what you really are in your heart—holy and pure. Your ability to remain unstained in this culture is the light that will draw other people to the same standard by which you live. Your duty is to keep yourself spotless by abstaining from anything that would soil your reputation. Why? Because the light you shine is easily dimmed in the eyes of others.

Men of lesser nobility fear this standard, yet not because of a specific portion of its grand design or a particular rule of conduct. They fear the specter of a man who actually follows these precepts, for once you prove that such a standard is attainable, those who prefer mediocrity no longer have an excuse for their behavior, and your light exposes them for what they are.

Many of you will choose a young maiden to help you in this quest, someone who will support you with strength of her own, someone who will bind your wounds and whisper words of encouragement as she sends you charging back into battle. Choose carefully—not the woman who attracts with smiles and skin, but rather the woman who proves her heart through service, discernment, and integrity. If she finds joy in worship and hard work, peace in the midst of persecution, and contentment even when her pockets are empty, then she will be the soul mate you need to endure the long and difficult road ahead. Since she embraces the same standard you hold dear, she will lift your arms should they sag in weariness and infuse you with assurance should your confidence falter. Face and form will change through the years, but a saintly woman’s heart will last forever.

So as you go forward as a living example of this standard, pay heed to the counsel of those who have blazed the trail. It is a long journey, filled with potential hazards, but it is one that a young man who lives by the sword of the Spirit will be able to complete, and you will find applause at the end of the road, not only from those who have cheered you along the way, but from God, Himself, who created the code of conduct and fashioned you into the exemplary model He hoped you would be.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Starlighter Cover

Here is the cover of Starlighter, the first in the four-book Dragons of Starlight series from Zondervan. Scheduled for release on April 1, 2010, it is designed for young adults. Although the story involves dragons, it's not related to any other series I have written.

For a higher resolution image of the cover, Click Here.

You can pre-order it from Amazon, or you can pre-order an autographed copy from me by Clicking Here.

Following is a description of the story. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments.

Jason Masters has heard his older brother Adrian’s tales about dragons kidnapping humans. Supposedly, almost one hundred years ago, a dragon stole away several humans and enslaved them on its own planet. These Lost Ones, as Adrian called them, live terrible lives as cattle. Yet, the Underground Gateway, the portal to the dragon planet, still exists somewhere, and a secret society of the same name has long tried to find it so they can rescue the Lost Ones.

When Adrian leaves to find the portal, Jason takes his place as the Governor’s bodyguard. Although the government has tried to cover up the evidence, he learns that the legends are true, and after being accused of murder and learning that Adrian’s life is in danger, he has to conduct his own search for the portal, a journey filled with danger and intrigue.

Aided by a gifted young lady named Elyssa and an eccentric escapee from the dungeon named Tibalt, Jason ventures into the wilderness to locate Adrian and the Lost Ones. Yet, what he finds on the dragon planet proves to the biggest surprise of all. Koren, a lonely slave girl, is a powerful being called a Starlighter, the slaves' only hope for survival and rescue, though most refuse to believe that their ancestors ever came from another planet.

A Charge for Young Women

She is born with a passion to uplift, empower, and support. She is the mainstay and sail for the captain’s ship. She is the heat in the warrior’s resolve and the salve that heals his wounds. She is the heart that pumps vitality to every joint and sinew. Yes, she is a woman.

Every girl in existence has been lovingly fashioned—from her caring and sensitive brain, to her tender and compassionate hands, to her tireless feet—to be a pillar of strength and resolve. While she might not be a warrior who draws a sword, she is the healer who strengthens the warrior’s hands and heart. Without her, every weapon would drop in futility, every muscular arm would wilt, and every pair of tired legs would shuffle home in defeat, for the heart that drives the warrior forward has stopped beating.

Some young women choose to take up the sword themselves, to step out alone in the midst of darkness to carry a lantern to the lost, to battle oppression and bring relief to the abused and neglected, or to transport life-giving supplies to the destitute wherever they may be. Their partner is the Spirit of Christ, and their sword is His word. They must know Him well if they hope to shine His light and pierce the darkness without the help of an intimate human partner.

Speak the truth. Live the truth. Be the truth. Never let the faithless ones persuade you to abandon any of those three principles. Remember that you are an oracle of fire, as is every faithful follower of our Lord. For all true disciples possess the pure silver, purged of all dross, and the fire of God’s love burns within, an everlasting flame that others, even those who give lip-service to the truth, will never comprehend until you are able to pass along that fire from heart to heart.

Many girls will choose to partner with another in this pursuit, hoping to be the light, the energy, and the drive that pulses within the breast of another. Yet, some never discover what it means to be such a heart. They never learn the secret of the captain’s sail or the recipe of the healing salve. Why? Because they listen to a counterfeit call, a trumpet blaring a falsehood—that their beauty is a lure to capture rather than an inspiration to set free. The inner desire to help and support becomes a lust to take and own. The hope to hear words of affirmation that she has been a good and faithful helpmate transforms into a hopeless search for eyes that admire and lips that speak words of appreciation for her outward appearance rather than for the beauty of her soul. And such a search never ends in true satisfaction.

You, however, are listening to your creator’s call, a gentle voice within that whispers reminders of how you were really fashioned, to be a woman of virtue, of inner beauty, of priceless value. The trumpet announces your need to strut, expose, and seduce, while the inner voice sings of ways to dress your soul in virtue—to feed the hungry, cover those laid bare, infuse encouragement into the hearts of the downtrodden, and nurture the victims of poverty, disease, and abandonment.

As a young woman of virtue, you understand what will happen if you heed the trumpet’s call to lure with flesh and flair. You will draw attention, but from whom? Someone who values face and form but not the heart. He will take, use, and abuse. His desire is for his own benefit, because what his eyes perceive is a girl who offers to fulfill the cravings of his body, and he responds, not with love, but with lust for his own satisfaction. And when your flower of youth fades, he will not perceive value in your soul, and you will never achieve the holy union of hearts for which you were created.

If you listen to the creator’s call, you will suffer temporary loss. When you pour out compassion and pity instead of skin and superficiality, you will be considered old-fashioned, out-of-touch, a prude. Yet, within the fair bosom you are saving for a true warrior, you will be nurturing a heart of unspoiled beauty, for it has not been taken at a cheap price. It has not been hardened by a wolf who captures, abuses, and leaves. And with such a heart, you will be able to reach out and be the captain’s sail, the warrior’s reason for drawing his sword, and the soothing salve for hearts less whole than your own.

The heart of a woman is more precious than pearls, and a man of worth sees it as a priceless treasure. He knows that she is the energy that drives his purpose, and without her, the pursuit of his vision for God’s purpose will be sluggish indeed. For the honor of taking that heart to join with him in fulfilling that vision, he will give his life, his heart, and his soul. The woman who has prepared her heart for that adventure will never regret the small price she paid. Scorn fades, and satisfaction blossoms. Contempt crumbles to dust, and contentment rises in its place. Ridicule is forgotten, while refreshment of the soul lives for as long as the heart pumps its life-giving energy.

Whether you take up the sword yourself or choose to unite with a warrior, now is the time to live according to this standard. It might seem that you are walking the path alone, yet, you are never alone. The One who planted the heart within you will never leave your side, and He will continue to sing the song that fashioned you as a woman of virtue. Listen. It is there. You will have to tune out the surrounding noise, but the sounds of love and virtue will never be silenced, if only you know the Singer and His song.

(For a pdf version of this, please click here. Feel free to share this with others with appropriate credit given.)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Bones of Makaidos in Hard Cover

I now have copies of The Bones of Makaidos in hard cover with a vinyl-style coating. You can order them at this link. (Scroll down to the hardcover option.)

Many readers have said that this is their favorite book in either dragons series, so I assumed some would want it in a more durable format. These copies are from the third printing, which means they include a couple of extra sentences clarifying Bonnie's role as an Oracle, and the dragon family tree at the front is clearer than in previous printings.

This would be a great gift for readers who love the series and this book in particular. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Price Decreases on Books and Audio Books

I have lowered the prices on several books and audio books at my shopping site (Click Here).

All audio books are $10 each in MP3 format and $20 each in CD format.

You can buy all four Dragons in our Midst audio books for $35 in MP3 format or $78 in CD format.

You can buy all four Oracles of Fire audio books for $35 in MP3 format (CD format available soon).

The Echoes from the Edge books are $10 each or $27 for the three-book set.

Spit and Polish for Husbands is only $3.

The Bones of Makaidos is still only $8, while supplies of the second printing last.

If you want a copy of the third printing of The Bones of Makaidos (which includes a short clarification of Bonnie's role as an Oracle of Fire as well as a clearer dragon family tree image), the use this link. The price is $13 for the new printing.

Here is the change I made. On page 345, the third to last paragraph now begins this way:

"The essence of such an Oracle is spiritual in nature. You will not create fire with your hands, yet fire will burn in your heart with far more boldness and passion than ever before. As an Oracle, you will look through portals to the hearts of those lost in shadows, you will feel the heavy sadness…"

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

New Cover for I Know Why the Angels Dance

I'm excited about this new cover for I Know Why the Angels Dance. If you would like to see a high-resolution image, Click Here. I am thinking about making posters for this cover. If you think you would buy one, let me know. That will help with my decision.

As I have mentioned before, this novel is not like any other I have written. It is contemporary fiction for adults, especially parents, and it is also suitable for teenagers. It is overtly spiritual, not a tale with hidden meanings or images that point to biblical truths, but rather a straightforward story of faith in Jesus Christ.

Also, I will be contributing all royalties to charitable causes. Right now my planned charities include World Vision and Voice of the Martyrs.

I attended a funeral over the weekend, and I wanted to give a copy of this book to the grieving family, but since it's not out yet, I couldn't. I'm looking forward to having plenty on hand to give away to those suffering in sorrow. Once you read the book, you might think about that, too. If you have one or two copies on hand to give to someone who has suffered a great loss, you will always be ready with a tangible blessing that will never be forgotten.
Here is the text from the back cover:

When the darkness of unspeakable tragedy collides with the infinite glory of heaven, what happens? What salve can heal the deepest of wounds when dawn breaks and the nightmare is real? What words can console a grieving father or mother when the blossom of the womb fades and falls? Images of hope, soft words that set the mind at ease, beautiful memories brought home by a beautiful story.

I Know Why the Angels Dance is a healing salve; it incites a cleansing catharsis; it serves as a holy image-maker, mending hearts and minds with glimpses of heaven’s glory. It opens spiritual eyes. We are all on a collision course with the unknown. Will it be a plunge into darkness or a passing from one existence into a brighter one?

Two fathers, one in the light and one in darkness, each face the reality of that passage, and both struggle to find and apply the healing balm. Yet, God uses the faith of a child to reach out to the downcast—the hand of an extraordinary girl leads them to the healing they long for.

The reality of death meets the hope of the ages, and the victory comes in the visions and songs of a little girl. After reading I Know Why the Angels Dance, you will cherish life and family like never before, and the passage everyone must make will no longer be a leap into darkness. It will be a step into glory.

New Reviews:
This book should be on every physician’s desk. It would help them gain a better understanding of emotional suffering and how they can go beyond merely performing the physical aspects of their job.—Scott VanLue, MD

You have struck the delicate balance between the assault on our physical senses when a beloved child dies and the promise we believe through our faith in Jesus Christ. Not only is it written with the grace of a poet, it poignantly strikes the chord that brings the heart to tears even while the spirit within us sings.—Rosemary Upton, author of The Court and the Kingdom and Glimpses of Grace

This novel is a masterful tale of sorrow and hope, sure to leave readers searching for love and healing that can only be fulfilled in Jesus. It is interwoven with genuine portrayals of Christians and non-Christians, their respective questions in life, and their bond as human beings living in a world paradoxically full of suffering and beauty. After reading this stirring book my heart knows why the angels dance, and I yearn to make them dance again and again. –Nicole Cragin

Incredible! I was immediately drawn into this book from the first page. The characters were so real that they became friends whom I fussed at or cheered. Tears freely flowed as I read the final pages! It encouraged and challenged me to remember that each believer’s life has a profound effect on the people around us. That God calls us to obedience even when we don’t understand what He is asking us to do, and in that obedience we can draw others to His throne of grace. –Ruth Vath

Truly remarkable. Never before have I been so convicted, overjoyed, and emotionally moved while reading a book. Through the point of view of a preteen brimming with love for God, Mr. Davis reveals the trials that come with hardship. This book raises the deep topics of how to express grief and joy in times of loss and how to share the Good News with others despite one's greatest fears. I Know Why the Angels Dance not only displays the sorrow that comes with loss but also shows the profound joy and abiding love that stretches far beyond this mortal world. –Jessica Sly

I Know Why the Angels Dance is available for pre-order from Bryan at this link: Click Here

You can also pre-order it from Amazon, Christianbook.com, and many other online booksellers.

The book is scheduled to be out by the end of September.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

For those who grieve

How many times have you been to a funeral or heard about a death and had no idea what to say to the bereaved? It has happened to me more times than I can count. Try as I might, there really isn't much to say that can soothe such a deep ache or fill a hole in a soul that feels like a bottomless pit. In fact, I remember one instance when I said something that would surely win me the award for "Stupidest Comment Ever Uttered." I should have made a trophy for myself of a donkey wearing a dunce cap.

Because of my own journey with issues of death, grief, and emotional expression, I wrote I Know Why the Angels Dance. It's the story of a father who loves but doesn't know how to express his love, and when he is thrown into situations in which he has to be a comforting friend, he learns how far short his efforts come. Tragedy begets sorrow, and dealing with that sorrow in clumsy ways begets strife and turmoil. Then, the greatest tragedy of all strikes, and he is woefully unprepared.

Yet, there is a solace, a salve of comfort, and this father learns to find it in a way he never expected.

Because of this book, I now have a way to help the grieving. I will weep with those who weep and give them a copy of the book. It will be my way of letting them know that although I have no idea what to say, I truly want them to find the comfort that only the Lord Himself can provide. It is a quiet gift of surrender in that we are but those who can merely weep and cry out to the true comforter, the Holy Spirit of God.

In order to demonstrate my own desire to position this book as a gift, I am donating all royalties to charitable causes, including (at least for now) World Vision and Voice of the Martyrs. May God do what He will with this revenue stream.

You can pre-order the book from Amazon, Christianbook.com, or from me at the links below.

Click here for Amazon
Click here to order from me
Click below to order from Christianbook.com

578408: I Know Why the Angels DanceI Know Why the Angels Dance

By Bryan Davis

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Do you want an author visit in your area?

I will soon be setting up my appearance schedule for the coming school year. If you want me to come to your school, homeschool group, church group, book club, writers' group, etc, here are the issues.

If I can get enough events in an area in which I can offer books for sale, I can come for free. That means I will need help from a local person so I can get contacts and events scheduled to make the journey worthwhile. If you want me to come, and you can help me get the contacts, we can work on it.

I will come to an area for one event if the event sponsor will provide travel expenses. I don't charge a speaking fee, but I would like the opportunity to sell books.

For a local event (western Tennessee or northern Mississippi), I will come and speak for free. Again, I would like the opportunity to sell books.

Click Here for an online brochure you can use in order to communicate what I do when I come to speak.

Any questions or comments? Post it here, or send me an email. My address is in the brochure.

It won't help much if you post a comment that just says, "Can you come to (fill in the blank)?" What I'm looking for is help in putting together the specific places and contacts to actually get a trip organized.

Thank you!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Book Trailer for Dragons in our Midst

Here is a book trailer a reader did for Dragons in our Midst.

Click Here for the Youtube link.

This doesn't mean a movie is being made soon. It's an independent trailer created by a reader.

Saturday, August 08, 2009

I Know Why the Angels Dance Review

Click Here for a great review of I Know Why the Angels Dance, my new novel coming in September.

You can pre-order an autographed copy from me by clicking here, or you can order from Christianbook.com at the link below.

578408: I Know Why the Angels DanceI Know Why the Angels Dance

By Bryan Davis

Saturday, August 01, 2009

Do You Use Accelerated Reader?

If your school or group uses Accelerated Reader, I have great news for you. All four books in Dragons in our Midst, all four books in Oracles of Fire, and the first book in the Echoes from the Edge series, Beyond the Reflection's Edge, are available in the Accelerated Reader program from Renaissance Learning.

Please tell your school librarian about this so you can take the quizzes and get credit for reading the books. If you know anyone who might be interested in this news, please pass it along.

Here are the quiz numbers:

Raising Dragons – Quiz number 102026
The Candlestone – Quiz number 102027
Circles of Seven – Quiz number 102025
Tears of a Dragon - Quiz number 105195
Eye of the Oracle - Quiz number 111687
Enoch's Ghost - Quiz number 118820
Last of the Nephilim - Quiz number 128148
The Bones of Makaidos - Quiz number 131064
Beyond the Reflection's Edge - Quiz number 128022

Monday, July 27, 2009

Sale on The Bones of Makaidos

I am holding a sale on copies of The Bones of Makaidos that remain from the second print run. For only $8 plus shipping, you can get an autographed, 670-page book that most readers consider to be the best of all my dragons books. It would make a great gift.

Click here for a link to the ordering page.

This sale will last only until these copies run out.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Coming Soon

What's coming up for readers of my books? First, arriving in September, is I Know Why the Angels Dance. This is a contemporary novel for adults. No fantasy this time, though there are supernatural elements involved. When I have a cover image available and I receive some reviews from pre-publication readers, I will tell you more about it.

I wrote this book about 13 years ago. I love the story, so I polished it thoroughly and asked AMG Publishers to publish it. They also loved it, so it's on its way.

This book is so different from what I usually write, and it is so strong in spiritual content, I decided to give it completely to God, meaning that I am donating all royalties to Christian charitable causes. If God wants a lot of money pumped into the ministries I have chosen, maybe He will make it sell millions of copies. We'll see.

I am also writing a dual-threaded series for Zondervan, that is, one series for adults and one for young adults, both taking place in the same story world. The first young adult book is called Starlighter, book one in the Dragons of Starlight series. It's finished and should come out in the spring of 2010.

The adult book has a working title of Masters and Slayers, but that title will likely change. We also don't know what the adult series will be called. That book should come out in the fall of 2010. As of now, we have planned four books in the young adult series and two in the adult series.

Readers of either series will get a full story, and readers of both series will get two unique stories and gain background for both.

Many people have asked me about a continuation of Dragons in our Midst and Oracles of Fire. As readers of The Bones of Makaidos know, I left a tiny door open in that story, giving a hint to the possibility of a continuation. I am making tentative plans to go through that door and write a new series, but I don't know when. I will certainly make an announcement here if/when it happens.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Mississippi Book Signing Events

I will be at the following bookstores next week. If you're in the area, please stop by and see me. If you know someone in these areas, please let them know about these signing events.

Thursday, July 23 From 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Barnes & Noble
75 BS Hood Drive
Mississippi State, MS 39762

Friday, July 24 From 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Barnes & Noble
The Mall at Barnes Crossing
1001 Barnes Crossing Road, # 104
Tupelo, MS 38804

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Third Printing for Bones

I learned this week that The Bones of Makaidos is going into its third printing after only three months in publication. The response to this book has been amazing, like a flood. So many people have written to tell me how life-changing the story is, and for that I am very grateful.

I hoped this story would be a good ending, and the reviews have warmed my heart. I have posted reviews here before. Here are a few new ones, but there are some spoilers, so beware:
Last night I finished reading The Bones Of Makaidos. I couldn't bear to put it down, so I stayed up till 12 reading. Many times authors don't finish their stories satisfactorily, you on the other hand ended the books with the best possible conclusion! I was crying through almost the whole thing.

I just finished The Bones of Makaidos and loved it. I finished it in one setting, staying up until 3:30 a.m.!! I see on the people who wrote about the book, the oldest is 27. How about a 74 year old grandmother who has read your books along with a 11 y/o and a 14 y/o grandson :=)! The Lord has blessed you with a wonderful talent and I praise Him that you are using it to glorify the Lord. I look forward to reading more of your books.

I am simply welling up with emotion. I am halfway through The Bones of Makaidos, and as I am reading of the remarkable accounts of faith, I have on more than one occasion found my mouth hanging wide open. I am finding my self singing Amazing Grace with Ashley, weeping for Sapphira and Bonnie, and raging at the thoughts of a Vacant stabbing Listener, the sweet little girl that never did anything. I think of how powerful one's faith in God must be to create such an astonishing, heartwarming legacy. You are one of my greatest role models, and your books cleanse my heart of any doubt and any impurities. They are more than literature.These books are spiritual motivators, my Companions that guide me when I am unsure what to decide.
In this printing, we altered the map of the family tree to make it show up better, corrected a typographical error, and added two sentences to clarify one concept that many readers asked about, but I shouldn't mention what that is. It's too much of a spoiler for those who haven't read it.

I will use this new edition to create hardcover copies of the book for people who want one that will last longer. If this is your favorite of the series, consider getting a hard-bound copy. I should have some with a couple of months.

Thanks to all who have read the eight books. It was fun going on this adventure with you. I might come back to this story world with another series, but I don't know when. If I do, I will make an announcement.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Favorite Book Poll

Now that The Bones of Makaidos has been out for a while, I decided to post a new poll to see how the dragons books rank as favorites among readers. The poll is in the left sidebar. Please don't vote unless you have read all eight. The poll will last one month.

If you want to comment on how you voted and why, please feel free to post your thoughts in a comment.

Friday, June 05, 2009

Online Registration for the Writing Conference at Mississippi State

We now have an online registration website for the conference at Mississippi State. Click Here.

For more information, click here for my previous post on this topic.

I hope to see some of you there!

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

The Bones of Makaidos Audio Book

I received my copies of The Bones of Makaidos audio book. Since the book is so long, they had to use two MP3 disks, but it's still the same price, $14.99 retail. Great deal. These disks can be copied to your computer and then burned to normal CD's or copied to an MP3 player, so you have a lot of options. It also comes with an original artwork poster based on the story.

If you want to buy a copy from me for $13 plus shipping, click here to order, and I'll send it out right away.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Want a Free Audio Book?

Now that the entire Echoes from the Edge series is available, I hope you'll help me spread the word about it. Here are some ways you can do that, and with a couple of these, I will give you a way to download the Beyond the Reflection's Edge audio book for free.

#1. Write an email to your contacts and ask them to pass your note along to others. Here is some suggested text.

"The Echoes from the Edge series by best-selling author Bryan Davis is an exciting, action-packed adventure/fantasy that's great for anyone 13 and up. If you like mystery and suspense, you'll love this book. The author is selling autographed copies of the first book, Beyond the Reflection's Edge, for only $5 plus shipping. Here is a link for that deal: http://www.daviscrossing.com/BTRE.htm. Here is the series website: http://www.echoesfromtheedge.com. You can also get it at any online bookstore. Please pass this note along to your contacts. I would love to see others have the opportunity to read this exciting series."

If you create such an email and send it out, please let me know. If your email goes out to at least fifty people, I will send you a code that will allow you to download the audio book for free.

#2. If you have a way to get a review printed in a newspaper, church bulletin, magazine, or any other publication and would like a free copy of the first book for the purpose of reviewing, please contact me by replying to this newsletter and letting me know.

#3. Post the trailer for Nightmare's Edge on your blog, Facebook, Myspace, or any other Internet presence you have. Here is the link for the trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNo6lhmC0cE

#4. Talk about the series with your friends through all your social contact avenues--school, church, online. If you will do that and want bookmarks to give away, please reply to this newsletter and ask me about getting bookmarks. I'll give you as many as you think you might need.

#5. Buy a few copies of the first book to give away or sell. Since you can buy them for $5 each, you might even make a profit. Anyone who orders will also receive the free download.

I appreciate your help. If you do any of these, please let me know how it goes.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Teaching at a Writers' Conference for Youth at Mississippi State

I will be teaching at the Expressive Arts Conference at Mississippi State University from July 21 to July 24. If you know a teenager who would like a week of intensive writing training, please let him or her know about this conference.

Click Here for a flier describing the conference, and click here for the registration form.

This is the least expensive writers' conference I have seen for a long time. I hope some of you are able to take advantage of it.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Nightmare's Edge Comments

I'm receiving some very nice comments about Nightmare's Edge.

It. Was. AMAZING!! Twists and turns all over the place... kept me on edge... it was absolutely AMAZING.

I really enjoyed it. Definitely a fast pace thriller. I didn't want to put it down!

Awesome finish! I thoroughly enjoyed this one.

This book is an exciting mix of love, classical music, otherworldly tech, and solid Christian values! Five stars.

I hope everyone gets a chance to read the series. You can still buy the entire series from me for only $30 plus shipping at this link.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Dragons Audio Books now on CD

The four Dragons in our Midst audio books are now available in the traditional CD format. Before now, the audio books were in single-disk, MP3 format. That was great for playing on computers and copying them to MP3 devices, but they wouldn't function on many normal CD players.

Since the package has up to 10 disks instead of one, the price is higher, but the convenience of being able to listen to them on the old players might be worth it for many. The list price for a CD set is $39, but I am selling each set for $25 or all four sets for $88.

Click here for my shopping page. If you have any questions, please leave a comment.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Minneapolis Events

I will be in the Minneapolis are this week. Here are my open-to-the-public events.

May 15, 2009 - 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Northwestern Bookstore Yorkdale Shoppes - Edina
6819 York Ave. So.
Edina, MN 55435
Phone (952) 927-7106

May 16, 2009 - 11:00 am to 1:00 pm
Northwestern Bookstore Arbor Lakes Mall - Maple Grove
12985 Elm Creek Blvd.
Maple Grove, MN 55369
Phone: (763) 420-3883

May 16, 2009 - 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Northwestern Bookstore Riverdale Crossing - Coon Rapids
13040 Riverdale Drive NW
Coon Rapids, MN 55448
Phone: 763-252-1961

I hope to see you there!

Friday, May 01, 2009

Nightmare's Edge Released Today

Today brings the official release of Nightmare's Edge, the third and final book in the Echoes from the Edge trilogy. Call you bookstore to see if they have it, or you can order it online. At the bottom of this post you will see a convenient link to Christianbook.com.

If you are on Facebook, you can join me for a book launch party on my author page: (Click here for the author Facebook page) The party will be on May 7 from 8 pm to 10 pm Eastern time (7 pm to 9 pm Central and so on). I will be posting notes about my life and books, and we will have trivia contests. For more information, click here for the Facebook event announcement page.

715566: Nightmare"s Edge, Echoes from the Edge #3Nightmare's Edge, Echoes from the Edge #3

By Bryan Davis / ZonderKidz

Monday, April 27, 2009

Nightmare's Edge Release Countdown - 4

Only four days till Nightmare's Edge officially comes out. Since the book is already out in many places, and since I have a deadline approaching for my new book, Starlighter, I am suspending the countdown.

If you read Nightmare's Edge, please post your comments about it here.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

April 2009 Newsletter is Online

My monthly newsletter for April 2009 is now available - Click Here.

Nightmare's Edge Release Countdown - 5

I heard from a reader that Nightmare's Edge is already in his store, and it's showing as "in stock" on Amazon.com, so it seems that this countdown is counting down too slowly.

That reader bought the book and read it the same day. His review? "I absolutely loved it!"

Only five more days till Nightmare's Edge comes out!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Nightmare's Edge Release Countdown - 6

In Eternity's Edge, you saw that the people of the misty world are frightened of the supplicants. In Nightmare's Edge, you will see why. The reality is quite eye-opening.

Special offer: If you order the entire three-book set of Echoes from the Edge at this link, you will also receive an autographed poster for The Bones of Makaidos. The set is already discounted to $30, so this is a great deal.

Only six days till Nightmare's Edge comes out.

I was unable to post a countdown yesterday, because I spent the day with my lovely wife on her birthday.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Nightmare's Edge Release Countdown - 8

In Nightmare's Edge, readers will see how Nathan's father learned about Quattro and the three supplicants. The answer might surprise you.

Only eight more days till Nightmare's Edge is officially released.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Nightmare's Edge Release Countdown - 9

I have received my author copies of Nightmare's Edge, so today I am mailing out copies to all pre-orders and contest winners. You should get them soon.

Only nine days until Nightmare's Edge is released.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Nightmare's Edge Release Countdown

Today I will begin a countdown to the release of Nightmare's Edge, the third book in the Echoes from the Edge trilogy. I hope that readers of the series are excited about the conclusion to this mystery/suspense/fantasy thriller.

Christianbookpreviews.com says of Nightmare's Edge, "The story is a unique blend of God, music, technology, and action, which are expertly combined into a masterpiece the reader will find engrossing."

If you haven't read any books in the series, now is a good time to get them all. You can order autographed copies of the three-book set for only $30 by clicking here. I will ship them out when Nightmare's Edge arrives. Even if you have read them, the set would make a great gift.

You can also order an autographed copy of Nightmare's Edge by itself by clicking here.

Only ten days until Nightmare's Edge comes out!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Nightmare's Edge is Coming

Nightmare's Edge, the third and final book in the Echoes from the Edge series will soon be available. The release date is May 1. In order to get everyone excited about the series, Zondervan has created this trailer. Enjoy.

Please help me by posting the link to this trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNo6lhmC0cE or embedding it in your Facebook, Myspace, blog, or website.

You can pre-order an autographed copy from me by clicking here, or you can order from Christianbook.com at the link below:

715566: Nightmare"s Edge, Echoes from the Edge #3Nightmare's Edge, Echoes from the Edge #3

By Bryan Davis / ZonderKidz

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Dragons Found in Russia!

Readers in Russia are snapping up copies of a new book called Воспитание драконов. What is this? Dragons in our Midst?

Yes, it seems so.

Check these out!

I am in the process of planning a trip to Russia in order to promote these books there. Please pray for the planning and my journey. What a great opportunity!